The structure suffered heavy smoke damage but limited water damage.

Rob Kronenberger

Four large deep water platforms accounting for about 10 percent of the pre-storm federal offshore Gulf oil production suffered extensive damage which could take up to three to six months to bring back on line.

Rebecca Watson

I have suffered from being misunderstood, but I would have suffered a hell of a lot more if I had been understood.

Clarence Darrow

We were out walking and just wanted to show our respect for the police force and the terrible loss they suffered.

Barbara Gray

Internet governance requires a multi-stakeholder approach. This is why we have suffered such agonies in our discussions on Internet governance.

Yoshio Utsumi

If they refuse, in my opinion, Chairman Barnett should remove them. The employees and taxpayers have suffered enough.

Attorney Charles Garnati

Clearly they're losing share to the specialty guys, and they're suffering really from a downturn in the economy. ...Unfortunately Saks is at the high end and the moderate end and both of those have suffered. On top of that, you have significant exposure to New York and the metropolitan region, so it's a double whammy with the economy and September 11.

Wayne Hood

He was an inspiration. It was just so exciting to hear about somebody so young who had suffered so much and had such hope to accomplish something.

Claudine Goller

We suffered three losses early in the season when we were injured and just not playing as a team. We've obviously played much better basketball since then.

Kelly Packard

Solid fats have largely suffered at the hands of the decline in home baking, which has become less fashionable due to increased interest in convenience food and the unhealthy image of pastry, cakes and biscuits.

Claire Birks

The victim in this case appears to have suffered some pretty serious injuries to the back and torso area and a particular critical injury to the arm.

Lt. Paul Honeman

By the time the fisher-dependent communities have suffered enough and begin to exercise some of their political concerns, nature has resolved the issue.

Keith Wilkinson

The reason we came is because we wanted to patronize the businesses in San Anselmo. We feel so badly about how they've suffered and all the damage they had. I think -- I hope -- a lot of people are doing what we are doing.

Virginia Davis

What we do know is that the Muslim press heard and reported him saying that he looks forward to normalized relations, that Jews and Muslims need to bridge the gap between them, and that Jews suffered from the Holocaust. That to me is a key victory for us.

Jack Rosen

We have suffered from this the whole year. It doesn't matter who you are playing, you are going to hurt yourself doing that.

Paul Swanson

The people have really suffered and have had no reason to enjoy life.

Lomana Lualua

If he's suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage, it means a blood vessel in his brain has burst and the situation is really critical.

Dr. Keith Siller

The animal suffered a series of convulsions at around 7 p.m. and died.

Leila Sadler

We showed a lot of character to come right back, but in the second half we were poor defensively. We defended poorly on two set pieces and a cross, and we suffered the consequences. Credit Richmond.

Laurie Calloway

"My career never suffered from my not being skinny. I never did catwalk work because I was always too big. I couldn't get the clothes over my hips."

Heidi Klum

The three charges of malicious wounding were from the injuries she suffered with a hammer.

Kraig Troxell

The hardest thing for me was just seeing the losses people suffered. It was hard to believe you were seeing what you were seeing in our country.

Jim Dalzell

I think I've always had the shots. But in the past, I've suffered too many mental lapses. Now, I'm starting to get away from that and my mental discipline and commitment to the game are much better. I think I'm really taking a good look at the big picture. That's the difference between being around for the final or watching the final from my sofa at home.

Andre Agassi

I think we suffered a little bit in New Orleans from the 'boy who cries wolf' syndrome.

Bob Woodruff

People have to recognize that the arts are a major industry and need to be at the table for the recovery plan, ... There is no way for these local economies to recover unless we invest in the cultural life. Culture was Louisiana's second-biggest economy, right after oil. These organizations have suffered enormous losses.

Dana Gioia

The industry has suffered from fragmentation for a long time. The new company will have pricing power over customers and raw material suppliers.

Yasuhiro Yamaguchi

We felt we owed it to the victims to show how they suffered.

Günther Van Endert

We knew from last year's experience that a bonus point was vital in the first game against New Zealand and, with five minutes to go against them, we had one in the bag. We let it slip right at the end and we suffered the consequences today.

Cled Edwards

UA has suffered recurring losses from operations and may not generate sufficient liquidity to meet its financial obligations as they become due.

Arthur Anderson

Our society needs to put in context the enormous amount of loss that we've suffered -- the enormous amount of intelligence, the enormous amount of creativity, the enormous amount of productivity.

Randall K. O'bannon

We had a particularly cold winter and the construction industry suffered, so this is simply a delayed pickup. Unemployment is falling, but it's no reason to rejoice. We need to see a sustained increase in employment, and that hasn't happened yet.

Sandra Petcov

I suffered, I really suffered, with all three of my husbands. And I tried damn hard with all three, starting each marriage certain that it was going to last until the end of my life. Yet none of them lasted more than a year or two.

Ava Gardner

The show hasn't suffered at all. The music is as large as ever. It's still about a young man who's normal, injured, then returned to normalcy.

Dennis Turner

We had some roof damage in three warehouses, but moved the nearby coffee to dry areas in those buildings. We have no odors, no unusual humidity or toxicology problems, and suffered no losses in our seven coffee warehouses.

Kevin Kelly

The union leaders have thumbed their noses at management and the public. The airline has suffered enough, and it is time that the pilots suffer along with us.

Dee Kelly

The lapse we suffered was from our attitude. We have a tendency to fall apart when we're behind, but today we were resilient. We showed a lot of heart coming back against a good team.

Lindsay Bemis

The sector of our state that suffered the most was the tax payer, patients suffered some, doesn't look like doctors suffered much, the tax payer wound up paying a lot more money and of course that wasn't supposed to happen.

Kip Sullivan

I thought that we should have restricted them for less, we allowed the run rate to get away in the middle period when I believe we were trying too hard to make things happen and our consistency suffered because of that.

Ian Bradshaw

Some of them suffered from smoke inhalation, but they were concerned for their fellow bus passengers.

Don Peritz

The grand jury obviously saw that they would have suffered the same fate if it were any other driver.

George Shaffer

We're not looking to cause any more hardship for these people. We know they already suffered a terrible loss.

Reghan Cloudman

That's one thing that hasn't suffered. The education of the students -- both sides put that first.

Bruce Barbour

We invite people who feel they've suffered damage to submit a claim.

Jim Feeny

After getting off the ferry, we had a tough time getting our land legs back. We suffered the Friday Harbor funk. By the time the second half started, we were playing well for a pretty long stretch there, but then we fell back.

Brian Adams

The doctors have since confirmed that the president had indeed suffered a minor stroke for which he has been receiving appropriate treatment.

Vernon Mwaanga

Keith did an outstanding job, especially beating Peterson for the third time in as many weeks in the fifth-place match, not an easy thing to do. Every time he suffered a tough loss, he battled right back with a big win.

Tim Woehler

No due process issue is raised by legislation that seeks to redress injuries suffered by district residents and visitors resulting from the manufacture and distribution of a particular class of firearms whose lethal nature far outweighs their utility.

Michael Farrell

I cannot stress enough the importance of calling the FEMA Disaster Assistance telephone registration number. This call is the first step in the recovery process for individuals and businesses for who suffered severe weather and tornado damages.

Tom Costello

We thought we would be a playoff team when the season began. We had 17 games decided by less than 10 points and suffered nine league losses by five (points) or less. We could never get over the hump.

Dusty Auxier

Despite its youth, this group demonstrated uncanny poise in the fall. With the losses we suffered not just on attack but at midfield as well that poise will be crucial to our offensive success this season.

Dave Pietramala

I believe that the two sides will continue to discuss that matter, but I would like to tell you that the sacrifices that the Vietnamese people had to suffer are much greater than what America suffered.

Phan Van Khai

This sends support to Boston, the church that has suffered most in the Catholic communion. The pope has decided to honor, thank and express trust in O'Malley.

Alberto Melloni

Life for these Jewish gauchos was very hard. They had no tractors, suffered from locusts and made a pittance of a living - so my father went to find work in Rosario, married there and eventually brought the whole family over.

Dr. Felix Umansky

We understand from the vet onboard the salvage vessel that the whale suffered a series of convulsions at around 7 pm (0030 IST) and died.

Katy Geary

David suffered from periods of deep depression and evidently could no longer cope. His mother and I trust that he is now at peace with the demons that finally possessed him.

Jack Ferguson

The Lord never gives you more than you can bear. That is the message to this island. That is the message to this community, and that is the message for those of you who have suffered such an acute loss.

Perry Christie

Your mock saint who stands in a niche is not a woman if she have not suffered, still less a woman if she have not sinned. Fall at the feet of your idol as you wish, but drag her down to your level after that -- the only level she should ever reach, that of your heart.

Baroness Orczy

Recurrence is sure. What the mind suffered last week, or last year, it does not suffer now; but it will suffer again next week or next year.

Alice Meynell

As we know more about brain function, we know that these illnesses can be due to genetics, drugs or trauma the child has suffered. There?s less focus on the pathology of the family.

Maureen Graham

The male suffered some minor first- and second-degree burns to his arms. But the most life-threatening injuries were due to the toxic smoke the two inhaled.

Fire Capt. Emmit Kane

We have Sodje back next week so that is a boost, Phil Stamp will be back training he's suffered with a virus the last week so he will be looking at two weeks to be available for selection. We'll have a look at the situation next week but bringing in a player on loan is an option.

David Hodgson

When you start intervening in a market, it starts you down a slippery slope of price controls, marketing manipulation and -- ultimately -- the bad energy policy that we suffered through in the 1970s.

John Felmy

Nine farmers across India have committed suicide after their businesses suffered huge losses.

Anoop Singh

I've never seen anything as devastating to the refining industry. There are a number of refineries that have suffered significant damage due to flooding and water, and those that were flooded, I presume, will have a considerable amount of work to do to get their plants running again.

Dan Robinson

The delicate and infirm go for sympathy, not to the well and buoyant, but to those who have suffered like themselves.

Catharine Esther Beecher

The destruction of Manila was one of the greatest tragedies of World War II. Of all the allied capitals only Warsaw suffered more.

William Manchester

Had suffered a slight emotional upset caused by his personal and professional situation.

Claude Makelele

That does not mean we have to shy away from the fact that civilians suffered horribly.

Günther Van Endert

I think continuity has been a problem in selection and our cohesion and confidence has suffered.

Dick Muir

I have suffered from depression for most of my life. It is an illness.

Adam Ant

Dyslexia may or may not be the correct name for the problem but there are undoubtedly many thousands of children and adults whose education has suffered as a result of their difficulty with word recognition.

John Dunford

As a member of the Southeastern conference, whose institutions have been so deeply affected by Hurricane Katrina, the University of South Carolina feels a special obligation to help those schools, as well as everyone in the region who has suffered loss.

Andrew Sorensen

In light of the devastation and the tremendous losses suffered by our friends and neighbors in New Orleans and the entire Gulf region, we feel there is no other option for FenCon's annual charity effort than immediate disaster relief.

Michael Nelson

They deprived me of my freedom. I suffered the emotional and physical abuse, and I ran away.

Jasvinder Sanghera

The idea that our longtime U2 fans and scalpers competed for U2 tickets through our own Web site is appalling to me, ... I want to apologize to you who have suffered that.

Larry Mullen

With the exception of Rwanda in 1994 and Cambodia in 1975, you would be hard-pressed to find a crime scene anywhere in the world, since World War II, where a defenseless civilian population has been assaulted with such ferocity and criminal intent, and suffered so many multiple violations of international humanitarian law in such a short period of time, as in Kosovo since mid-March 1999.

David Scheffer

Apparently when she got back to the house and found the house on fire, she tried to break a window to get in to the kids and had suffered some minor cuts to one of her arms.

Mike Tellef

It had to be football reasons. I haven't got a clue what went on. Twenty years ago I was a Jack the Lad like everybody else, but since I was ill [he suffered a cerebral aneurysm in 2003] I come to work and go home. I went into the meeting [after being reinstated] determined I was leaving. One or two things happened, and I didn't leave.

Keith Alexander

I know that the people of Bosnia-Herzegovina have suffered a lot, and that many children have died or been injured because of mines left from the war, ... That's why I'm here, to help as much as I can. This is a small contribution for these young fellows who have to know that soccer can provide a way out from any bad situation.

Sir Bobby Charlton

I must say I was more calm on 2-1. We suffered a lot, but we strongly wanted to qualify and we did it by beating a brave opponent.

Carlo Ancelotti

Doctors have to watch his heart; he suffered a 10 percent hearing loss and he could have a bladder problem as the result of the three chemo treatments, ... Other than that, he's been cancer-free for nearly eight years.

Bruce Rutherford

Christ was treated as we deserve, that we might be treated as He deserves. He was condemned for our sins, in which He had no share, that we might be justified by His righteousness, in which we had no share. He suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which was His.

Ellen G. White

[But Rushford is quick to add that methods of execution such as the firing squad and the gallows are not only safe, they're deserved punishments.] If done properly, everything that they've done has been humane, ... Nobody dies as easily as convicted murders in this country. It's a much quicker, more merciful death than their victims suffered.

Michael Rushford

We have information that shows that the person was on there long enough that they lived, suffered and they were not given medical attention and that it would have made a difference if they were.

Richard Alpert

Citizens want taxes off their homes. They've suffered long enough.

Emerson Read

She suffered from several congenital ailments. It didn't matter what the diet was.

Ellis Rubin

Over time, some have seen his accomplishments as heroic and others have looked at them as scant. He certainly draws our sympathy as one who suffered losses, and we can admire his endurance and his dedication, and we certainly can appreciate his legacy to us here in Oregon.

Elisabeth Walton Potter

It's about trying to revive our community, its artists and our museum. Like so many other museums, residences and businesses around here, we suffered some damage from the storm.

Elizabeth Feder

Suffered terribly in terms of arrests - more than 300 around the region - including its founding leadership.

Zachary Abuza

Torture is not American, it's un-American; arbitrary detention is un-American and what these young men have suffered and continue to suffer is something for which we, the American justice system, need to hold these people accountable.

Eric Lewis