10 quotes about stills follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The name of Jesus is as ointment poured forth; It nourishes, and illumines, and stills the anguish of the soul.

Angelus Silesius

We have good stills of these two individuals which we hope should short-cut this investigation.

David Cunningham

...then there is the strength and physical conditioning of players stills needs improving.

Charles Mhlauri

She loved black and white stills. She was very creative and talented.

Amy Uriell

Stills belong in the lobby, not on the screen.

William Wyler

Whatever it is, it's pretty much an educated guess. That's like saying, 'How many illegal moonshine stills are there in Alabama?' Nobody really knows for sure.

Derrick Harris

His parents that raised him, who are two very sweet people, wrote us a letter, and also James met our keyboard player in Crosby, Stills, Nash, who's a dear friend of mine. And that was the way that actually got him on the phone to me.

David Crosby

The term still store is obsolete. There are no more stills; everything moves.

Phil Paully

That night was the most terrible night that we guards ever endured... I myself felt as if our government was gone, but thank God it stills exists and we now have another Abraham Lincoln at the helm in the person of President Harding.

Harry Hoover

We weren't any good, we didn't have to be good. It was a pro-am. We got up here with Glenn Fry and Steven Stills ... and we sucked.

Payne Stewart