At Athens we came up with the idea of using a single graphics folder per day. We have folders for each day, one per day for the 10 days leading up to the games and one folder for each of the 17 days of the games. This means everyone, including all the audio guys, knows where to drop their work.

The term still store is obsolete. There are no more stills; everything moves.

Every graphic that we make is a movie. We don't make still graphics any more. Backgrounds move. Heads animate. There's always motion in a graphic.

Things change, so you need people pushing buttons. When the director says 'drop cut seven and insert cut six,' automation can't do that. Sports is a seat-of-the-pants operation. For instance, we don't have a graphic for someone breaking a leg or falling on the ice or sky jump. If that happens, we need a custom graphic. You have to be able to change on the fly.