20 quotes about stealth follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

She's the original stealth candidate. It was a shrewd choice for Bush. If you can't ram somebody through who's got a higher profile, you do an end run around the opposition.

Ross Baker

If I do The Eighth Voyage of Sinbad I'll definitely be coming back to Australia for all the interior work, ... I'd do the exteriors in southern China. Frankly, the Stealth experience merely proved that if you do run into problems in Australia, you can solve them.

Rob Cohen

But soon I perfected the art of stealth drinking.

Yancy Butler

We are proud to build such a sophisticated, 5th Generation stealth fighter that can do things better than we ever imagined.

Larry Lawson

This provides yet more evidence that speed cameras are being used as a stealth tax to raise money from hard pressed motorists at a time of soaring fuel prices.

Alan Duncan

We've actually had a bit of a stealth rally here in August. As many people have been away for vacation, the market's done fairly well in here. We still are pretty favorably disposed toward the technology area, and as we go into the Christmas season we'll see probably more activity there.

Larry Seibert

We've had this great public access program, and it's been a stealth program. Nobody knows it's out there or how to find these places.

Scott Klinger

That whole thing with the dragonfly in the Blue Mountains, that really wasn't anything to do with Stealth , ... It could have been a movie about two people at a picnic making love in the woods. We were sort of caught in the middle of someone else's fight.

Rob Cohen

We had hoped that Republicans would respond to the challenge. Instead what we've got is more than $2 million in these secret stealth campaigns that are attacking Democrats and attacking the vice president right now.

Joe Andrew

Fishing for browns requires stealth, patience, a lot of hiding behind bushes and limited wading. About the only time you'll see me hiding behind a bush is when I encounter a bear. I'd rather be on the water heading upstream. Doesn't seem to bother the rainbows and it's probably the reason I don't catch a lot of browns.

Jimmy D. Moore

It will be the world's first stealth, multi-role fighter.

John Kent

There are lots of nasty stories but despite that we've had a stealth bull market.

Michael Holland

We will not tax by stealth.

Sir Menzies Campbell

TAKE, v.t. To acquire, frequently by force but preferably by stealth.

Ambrose Bierce

It is coercion by stealth.

Ken Dobson

Shhh! We're being stealth!

Adam Brody

Labour and the Lib Dems have turned the council tax into a tartan stealth tax.

David Davidson

APOTHECARY, n. The physician's accomplice, undertaker's benefactor and grave worm's provider. When Jove sent blessings to all men that are, And Mercury conveyed them in a jar, That friend of tricksters introduced by stealth Disease for the apothecary's health, Whose gratitude impelled him to proclaim: 'My deadliest drug shall bear my patron's name!' .

Ambrose Bierce

You never really know what the camera is picking up in a scene -- or even where it is. There are stealth shots that surprise us all the time.

Steve Carell

America can't afford a Supreme Court justice -- let alone a chief justice -- with Roberts' record of eroding the rights of workers and turning back the clock on civil rights. There's no mistaking that he's a stealth right-wing candidate.

Eli Pariser