I think here for a while we will probably digest the recent gains.

[Indeglio] clearly stood out in the interviews, ... He has all the qualities we want here in Council Rock. He is child-centered, dedicated and hardworking.

When Mr. Fisher joined Eastman Kodak, I was a shareholder with great anticipation that he would take a technological problem and make it into a technological opportunity, ... Lou Gerstner did that at IBM. I thought there was a possibility, actually a probability, that we'd get that out of George Fisher. Unfortunately it hasn't happened yet.

We've come from 7,500 in October to 10,000 shortly thereafter, ... I think the next 2,000-point move is not back to 7,500 but up 2,000 points.

We loaned the money to the church, not to him.

There are lots of nasty stories but despite that we've had a stealth bull market.

Each 1,000 point market becomes less important because the percentages get smaller and smaller, so they have become truly irrelevant in some measure, ... But (10,000) is extremely important because a lot of people who have had a little bit of shaken confidence over the last several years (are probably going to) come in here.

We are still in a bull market.

The bad guys lost, the good guys won.