37 quotes about snacking follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

All grades get about 10 minutes where they can go outside for a supervised snack and play on the monkey bars or slide as long as there's no rough-housing.

Willie Brown

If you are cooking at home, you are not processing your foods like the snack food companies are.

Leslie Fink

We snack all day long on berries from the field, peaches from the orchard.

Matt Jones

I don't want a whole meal on my handset. I would rather have an information snack.

David Chamberlain

Editors may think of themselves as dignified headwaiters in a well-run restaurant but more often they operate a snack bar and expect you to be grateful that at least they got the food to the table warm.

Thomas Griffith

It was hard with the situation of the delay, you get ready and then you have to stop. I'm worried about their hunger, their appetite, they had not eaten some from 11:30 a.m. or 12 when they eat lunch, so I got them up there (to press box) to do homework and get a snack.

Frank Vrablic

It's maybe that mid-afternoon snack attack or maybe you want that call before lunch.

Tom Seddon

We're going to shop with our extra second, or maybe we'll have a snack.

Nancy Wheeler

Extremely short content works well in the world of Web snacking, where people are looking for short bursts of entertaining content.

Scott Roesch

We believe in snack-sized content across all our brands. We think this is what consumers want for broadband entertainment across various screens.

Mika Salmi

It was not so very long ago that people thought that semiconductors were part-time orchestra leaders and microchips were very, very small snack foods.

Geraldine A. Ferraro

Even if you plan to sit down at the television and snack, measure out your portion before you sit down so you know how much you're eating.

Jenny Gardner

It's a little bit more dangerous, obviously, when you have large gatherings and food laid out like this. We tend to feast and nibble and snack all afternoon.

Richard Raymond

Metabolically speaking, we've found this to be much cheaper than we anticipated. The energy you exert could be offset by carrying an extra snack, which is nothing compared to weight of extra batteries. Pound for pound, food contains about 100-fold more energy than batteries.

Larry Rome

I really do think snacking is the key to dieting. We know if you can steady your blood sugar, then your body will most likely burn fat.

Patti Milligan

They are different programs, but they are still dealing with preschool youngsters, ... They are familiar with nap times, snack times and programs that you offer 3- and 4-year-olds.

Richard Kaplan

One hundred calories is a nice trade-off between a reasonable amount of calories and a satisfying snack.

Jeff Swearingen

I remember he used to like to go have coffee with the guys at the old Snack House.

Barbara Cummings

You need to eat something every three to four hours. Snacking is good.

Sheila Tucker

No, we both work, too. Right here. I drive the Zamboni, work the snack bar, in admissions and sharpen skates when I'm not on the ice.

Don Bradner

Current thought is that it's okay to have a cookie or snack as long as you don't overindulge. With these packages, moms can have more control over what their kids are eating.

Michael Simon

What attracts me to Pepsi is I have more faith in their ability to grow earnings. Not only are they successful on the beverage side but they are successful with salty snack foods.

Crit Thomas

Have a small meal or snack beforehand that includes low-fat protein.

Arthur Agatston

Pralines are a good walk-away snack to offer guests making the rounds of open-house parties.

Tory Mcphail

This is the key snacking event of the year. This really is an opportunity for us.

Tim Cannon

A snack now prevents your blood sugar dropping.

Ian Marber

One little boy came in with a dollar to buy a snack, and he asked about Paul. When we told him what had happened, he put his 35 cents change into the jar. That's how Paul affects people.

Joann Smith

I worked as a busboy in real life. I have some calluses that are not just from snacking at the actors' craft service table.

Ryan Reynolds

Bring it on. I love it. What's better than playing a night match in this tournament, 30 minutes from where you went to college? Unless the tournament was snack dab in the middle of Sacramento, I can't imagine it being any better.

Sam Warburg

[Snack (between races, 12:45-4:30 p.m.) Snickers bar and a Gatorade (466 calories).] My valet keeps candy for me, ... It gives me a buzz. I love grape Gatorade. I may drink three 32-ounce bottles in a day. I'm not a big water person, never have been.

Jeremy Rose

Studies have shown that while there were reduction in sales at snack bars and vending machines, kids actually purchased more and better meals at school.

Harold Goldstein

This is a 230-calorie snack you know. See? I've worked hard.

Fernando Vargas

The teachers' rooms that were open, they went through their desks, ... They broke into the snack machine in the teachers' lounge.

Andy Parker

Food companies are spiking fruit drinks, breakfast cereals and snack foods with illegal ingredients and then misleading consumers about their health benefits.

Bruce Silverglade

If kids have easy access to free veggies and fruits to snack on, they're less likely to snack on things that aren't good for them.

Erik Peterson

With all that together, you've got a snack with lots of fiber, vitamins and protein.

Emily Walker

Eggs are a really affordable source of protein. You could hard boil those and take them to work as a snack.

Elisa Shackelton