We were shocked with the findings. This is not just a matter of education anymore, it's about installing policies to help protect our children.

We've created a world that is leading to this. The deck is really stacked against our children and not enough has been done.

The shocking thing about these findings is that the numbers are still getting worse. One of the things the study really shows is that information and education alone aren't going to be enough to solve the crisis.

We're really at the beginning of the movement. We need to establish statewide policies that support parents in teaching their children to make the right choices, rather than continuing to allow the financial interests of soda and fast-food companies to win out over the health of our children.

California is on the brink of maybe making history. The state Legislature has an opportunity to make a significant impact.

We were shocked by the findings. Given the amount of media attention this epidemic has gotten, we didn't expect an increase of 6 percent in just three years. This is a personal and medical disaster.

It's a tragedy that public schools continue to sell soda to our children for money. They should be the one place that should remain free from intense marketing from the soda and junk food companies.

The solution needs to be much more comprehensive than the schools.

Studies have shown that while there were reduction in sales at snack bars and vending machines, kids actually purchased more and better meals at school.