23 quotes about semitic follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Others, like many of us, like "the good Germans" of another era, turn our heads away from this human rights catastrophe against, in turn, another 'despised' minority: the Palestinian people. Their resistance to brutal ethnic cleansing is, ironically, labeled "anti-Semitic."

Joseph Anderson

A demonstration of collective anger at the rising number of racist and anti-Semitic attacks this year.

Chris Burns

Over the years from some of the columnists, no question, it has been so anti-Semitic it's unbelievable.

Ken Harrelson

This is the latest anti-Semitic remark by Livingstone, he clearly has a major problem with the Jewish business community. To suggest that these men should go to Iran is shocking, outrageous and grossly offensive to the entire Jewish community.

Brian Coleman

Not every anti-Semitic incident is a hate crime that can be prosecuted. Not every slur or statement is actually illegal or a crime. What we document are incidents, reports that people give to us that we research and we corroborate.

Andrew Rosenkranz

We are deeply concerned about these statistics. We are very upset Florida shows an increase in anti-Semitic incidents.

Andrew Rosenkranz

With dismay we have had to note that today even heads of state describe the Holocaust as a 'fairytale' and make anti-Semitic remarks.

Norbert Lammert

Anti-Semitic? What is anti-Semitic about it? ...There is no logic to this claim.

Daniel Barenboim

Even in November 1938, after five years of anti-Semitic legislation and persecution, they still owned, according to the Times correspondent in Berlin, something like a third of the real property in the Reich.

Arthur Bryant

But here's old Ken - he's been crass, he's been insensitive and thuggish and brutal in his language - but I don't think actually if you read what he said, although it was extraordinary and rude, I don't think he was actually anti-Semitic.

Boris Johnson

He became a Catholic convert and was violently anti-Semitic.

Valentine Vester

Things would have turned out better if the Nazi Party had been decisively banned in the 1920s and did not have the chance to bring a racist and anti-Semitic ideology to power successfully.

Gregor Gysi

Michael Jackson has an anti-Semitic streak and hasn't learned from his past mistakes. It seems every time he has a problem in his life, he blames it on Jews.

Abraham H. Foxman

Prosecutors apparently decided that they want to fight discrimination, though they've consistently ignored anti-Semitic publications in Volgograd.

Alexander Brod

I knew that the National Socialist Party was anti-Semitic, and I knew that the Jews were being evacuated from Germany.

Albert Speer

Could be construed as anti-Semitic.

Jose Rivera

Michael Jackson has an anti-Semitic streak, and hasn't learned from his past mistakes. It seems every time he has a problem in his life, he blames it on Jews.

Abraham H. Foxman

The mayor is anti-Semitic and we know that in London.

Brian Coleman

[Irving, who once called the Auschwitz death camp a] Disneyland for tourists, ... an active Holocaust denier ... anti-Semitic and racist.

Charles Gray

When you look today at the Internet, and see the kind of racist and anti-Semitic filth -- yes, you can call it filth -- then it's frightening.

Otto Schily

[Both men are consciously Jewish. Neither, says Harwood, was bothered by Dickens's anti-Semitic overtones.] I can honestly say we never talked about it, ... I wouldn't insult him. We're both grown men.

Ronald Harwood

We refuse to allow this white supremacist a platform to spew his racist and anti-Semitic views.

Jack Cardetti

The past weeks have shown us how much not only we Germans need this remembrance day. With dismay we have had to note that today, even presidents insist on describing the Holocaust as a fairy tale and go so far as to make anti-Semitic remarks.

Norbert Lammert