22 quotes about rumsfeld follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

If we're going to preach about democracy we're going to have to make difficult decisions. We're not going to sell our values out for basing rights, particularly when (Defense) Secretary (Donald) Rumsfeld himself noted that there were options to the base in Uzbekistan.

William Delahunt

I'm a professor of national security studies, and I know a lot more about fighting than Rumsfeld does.

Barry Mccaffrey

The vice president had to cover this in order for it to happen and in order for Secretary Rumsfeld to feel as though he had freedom of action.

Larry Wilkerson

I believe secretary Rumsfeld hasn't done an adequate job. He should go.

General Wesley Clark

I really believe that we need a new secretary of defense because Secretary Rumsfeld carries way too much baggage with him.

Charles Swannack

[Former deputy secretary of state Richard L. Armitage ,] tells anyone who asks that he is a serious candidate to replace Rumsfeld, ... miracle.

Chris Nelson

The near-real-time history being written hasn't been particularly kind to Rumsfeld.

Andrew Krepinevich

I did tell the President that we need a lot of Colin Powell and very little of Rumsfeld.

Jose Maria Aznar

The military is disenchanted with how he's handling the war. They see him as vacillating. Rumsfeld is not popular with the military. I think Bush should change out defense secretaries to help morale.

Hunter Bacot

When you look at a secretary of defense who has been as forceful and effective as Donald Rumsfeld, for good or for ill, he's a tough customer.

Susan Rice

Secretary Rumsfeld ... stressed that the president-elect's commitment to continued democratic rule was even more important than the war against drugs.

Jeff Davis

I don't see why we should not invite (U.S. Defense Secretary) Donald Rumsfeld, (British Foreign Secretary) Jack Straw, (EU foreign policy chief) Javier Solana, and other foreign and defense ministers.

Sarah Ludford

[Said Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California,] Mr. Rumsfeld has been engaged in a coverup from the start on this issue and continues to be so. ... If the president doesn't fire the secretary, if he doesn't resign, I think it's the responsibility of this Congress to file articles of impeachment and force him to leave office.

Charlie Rangel

That's not going to change just because Secretary Rumsfeld might move on, any more than tomorrow we might decide we're going to throw away our computers and start writing letters again.

Jim Albaugh

Senator Warner believes that the decision of whether to keep Secretary Rumsfeld is up to the president.

John Ullyot

All of the sudden, there (Rumsfeld) was, walking along with us.

Jennifer Hanson

About 40 of us came over the fence in an effort to take a coffin to Rumsfeld.

Janet Parker

It would not surprise me, ... just given how much President Bush defers to Rumsfeld on every issue. The president might see this as a vote of no-confidence in Rumsfeld. The surprise would be if he does sign off on it.

Charles Pena

Marshall has had the ear of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and his top generals, and even anti-Democrat Zell Miller gave him a campaign contribution. ... Marshall has been impressive in his first term in Congress and he should be returned.

Jim Marshall

It's a bursting of the dam in some ways of the frustration and anger, not only with the policies but with the way that Mr Rumsfeld has interacted with people, the disrespect he has shown to the military.

Richard Kohn

If they wanted to do something really monumental and momentous but not drastic, certainly if Donald Rumsfeld was to step aside and be replaced by Lieberman, that would be huge.

David Corbin

China will probe for signals from Rumsfeld and DOD [Department of Defense] on the extent to which the U.S. views China as a major regional security threat.

Evan Medeiros