No one wants to call the attention of the public to bloodletting and heroism and the horrifying character of combat. What situation can be imagined that would promote the war and not remind people of its ambivalence?

There was a deep bitterness over Vietnam and the way the service chiefs had been co-opted.

We got into the game pretty late. Standard forms of marketing are not proving effective, so we've had to come up with a more ambitious marketing plan.

We can't be traveling four hours every time something needs to be done.

Send one plane it's a sortie; send two it's a flight; send four and it's a test of airpower.

I must admit that I'm quite ignorant about that.

I think it flatly is a bad thing.

It's a bursting of the dam in some ways of the frustration and anger, not only with the policies but with the way that Mr Rumsfeld has interacted with people, the disrespect he has shown to the military.

I don't see any malicious political intent here ? just myopia and shortsightedness.