32 quotes about rove follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The president's chief adviser, Karl Rove , has said repeatedly that one of his goals for this election was to increase the turnout among evangelical Christians. In his estimation, some 4 million evangelical Christians stayed home in 2000 and did not vote. So one of the things is to ... turn out your base.

Carlos Watson

This was the first time I had heard anything about Wilson's wife. Rove never once indicated to me that she had any kind of covert status.

Matt Cooper

Karl Rove [political adviser to the president] said the $87-billion vote is the gift that keeps on giving.

Bill Plante

Given the coverage of Karl Rove, we thought it was appropriate, especially given the history of the strip.

Lee Salem

If he put his hand on your shoulder, you were the anointed candidate for raising money. Having Karl Rove for you was like having Tommy Franks for you if you were a private in the U.S. Army.

Ralph Wayne

If Karl Rove were indicted, that would be like George W. Bush losing his right arm at a time when he needs every limb he's got to climb out of the hole he's in and to rebuild his presidency.

David R. Gergen

He was the Republican fighting the war and trying to change the state. If Karl Rove said this is the person I'm working for, that was that.

Ralph Wayne

... In my opinion, the article is unjustly hard on Mr. Rove and over-the-top complimentary to me, thereby creating a too-pat contrast that is, I fell, most unfair to Mr. Rove.

John Diiulio

If he was indicted, that would have been a huge problem for the president. He would have been gone. Obviously there are other people there, but no one is like Karl Rove.

Scott Walker

This has got the attention of every CEO in America, ... How long can the president give mediation when he has all his friends calling him or [presidential political adviser] Karl Rove telling him there needs to be action.

Robin Lanier

Rove had no idea what the specific consequences of giving a reporter the name of a CIA agent [about whom he says he knew nothing] would be.

John Dean

You know what bothers me more? Whether or not a member of the White House leaked the identity of a CIA agent and now we have Karl Rove who is going to be testifying, it seems, once AGAIN (his emphasis). And is he doing so to cover his posterior? And what do you make of that?

Alan Colmes

I think the 10th District (of North Carolina) sent him to Washington to work for them, not Tom DeLay or Karl Rove.

Sarah Feinberg

Rove was close to reporters, I think he liked them and they liked him. But it doesn't matter when the press turns on you.

Jeffrey Frank

Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers, Democrats Demand Rove Apologize for 9/11 Remarks.

Karl Rove

[But whether Rove will be charged,] it's anybody's guess, ... We just don't know what [Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald] will do.

Bill Sammon

All the carping about nickels and dimes and billions [on the Hill] is genuine. Members rail against a budget that's out of balance but then lunge to protect their pet projects when they're under the knife. (Karl Rove can reportedly do a spot-on imitation of a congressman who cycles from budget-cutting bravado to sniveling pleas for hometown pork.)

John Dickerson

All Roads Lead to Rove.

Michael Wolff

Karl Rove has pursued conservative policies.

David Mcintosh

Has advised Mr. Rove that he has made no decision about whether or not to bring charges.

Robert Luskin

The special counsel has not advised Mr. Rove that he is a target of the investigation and affirmed that he has made no decision concerning charges.

Robert Luskin

None know how often the hand of God is seen in a wilderness but them that rove it for a man's life.

Thomas Cole

I don't think there's any question about it, this is a Karl Rove special. They believe the district has become more Republican, and they see an opportunity to knock John off. So this time, they're going to pull out all the stops.

Joe Erwin

The White House has to be breathing a sigh of relief, and the American people have to know that the wave of hysteria, the wave of paranoia, the wave of charges and allegations about Karl Rove and everybody else so far is unsupported by facts.

David Brooks

Clearly she was talked out of the race the last time around (in 2004) and clearly she had conversations with Karl Rove and others in D.C. who didn't want her to run this time. I don't think she's the right person at the right time, and I don't think there is a right time for Katherine Harris.

Darryl Paulson

Rasputin being Karl Rove, who thinks these 10 million illegals will become citizens and vote Republican.

Robert Vasquez

Well, Roberts bought Rove all of what, 24 hours? I hope he got some sleep in, because he's got no reprieve.

Markos Moulitsas

It's not being used as Karl Rove and Dick Cheney would have it - to protect Americans. It's being used to squelch dissent.

Leigh Johnson

The special counsel has advised Mr. Rove that he has made no decision about whether or not to bring charges. We are confident that when the special counsel finishes his work, he will conclude that Mr. Rove has done nothing wrong.

Robert Luskin

I think it would have been far more damaging if it would have been someone like Karl Rove (who was indicted) but the current controversies swirling in Washington (D.C.) are not a help to the GOP right now.

Brett Bader

I think there's a limit to how far the Bush administration will fight on any of these topics. Karl Rove, the President's political advisor, is a realist.

Charles Gabriel

When Mr. Rove purchased the home in January 2001, he qualified for the exemption. He was not made aware of the changes in D.C. law. Now that it has been brought to his attention, he is making restitution.

Erin Healy