Having this also made the students aware of our own responsibilities of throwing trash out of their car.

Lorry Green

The House bill basically punted most responsibilities to the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Senate bill takes a more aggressive stance in protecting investors, in our opinion.

Tyson Slocum

The fortunes of the entire world may well ride on the ability of young Americans to face the responsibilities of an old America gone mad.

Phil Ochs

It was a major change of life from facing no responsibilities to becoming more mature and responsible.

Rodolfo Valdes

Our team played a very good passing game in the first half. Then they came out and scored an early goal. We didn't focus on our responsibilities from then out.

Curt Grottenthaler

We don't require anybody be best friends. We don't monitor relationships. My concern is coaches fulfill their responsibilities in their ... sports and serve the institution in a manner in which we expect.

Jeff Hathaway

There's no persecutory intention against a person or the United States. We're checking on facts and responsibilities.

Erminio Amelio

We're currently evaluating the status of each individual state as part of our enforcement responsibilities, and we'll determine what steps should be taken after the evaluation.

Eric Holland

I will continue to fulfil my responsibilities to safeguard the constitution, Lebanese laws and the integrity of Lebanese territory.

Emile Lahoud

Our goal for 2006 is to have 90 percent of that reorganization in place by September. People will know where they fit. They'll know what their responsibilities are and have clear lines of authority.

Emily Murphy

All their responsibilities were behind them.

Eli Perlman

The issues are now in the hands of the state, ... The state system must be allowed to work. But the county in a previous administration has taken care of its responsibilities.

Eldrin Bell

That's a critical capability. If someone is promoted or demoted, their assigned rights to specific documents should change to reflect their increased or reduced responsibilities.

Ed Golod

We feel we are the master here, so we act like a master and are willing to take responsibilities as a master should.

Zhang Tao