36 quotes about reinforced follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's horrible. I've grown up here. All the windows are going to have steel-reinforced gates. It's going to look like downtown Los Angeles.

Tanner Bedwell

Watching the talent, enthusiasm and the dedication of all the students reinforced why I chose this profession 20 years ago.

Chris Shaw

All of these indications have reinforced our notion that we made the right choice by trying something different, trying to make history fun and being innovative in how we were trying to present history.

Tom Schwartz

This is 100 percent cotton that is reinforced with stitching. It captures the body and brings it in.

Kathleen Huddy

What I think this means is that the Fed waited maybe for the stock market to go up a little and then cut rates and effectively reinforced the price action. Therefore it set a bottom on stocks, but it's definitely a very good move I think for the Fed.

Joseph Lavorgna

All the findings reinforced the value of relationship marketing. The more we knew about a consumer, the better the response would be.

Phil Barden

I always thought [headgear] was a good idea, but that incident reinforced the issue. I decided I didn't want any of my kids to be unnecessarily hurt.

Chris Woods

It has certainly reinforced the perception here that Arab investments can be singled out. It will have an impact on flows of funds.

Steve Brice

The rating agency actions have reinforced a message to investors that fiscal consolidation in both countries is a trend and will drive asset prices higher. So markets are reacting to this.

Tim Condon

I just continually reinforced to keep taking the open shots and they will come. And when they did it was in a two or three minute burst and we broke the game open.

Chris Lucas

The panel reviewed, affirmed and reinforced the previous statement. Metabolic syndrome is an important issue both for physicians and the general public.

Scott Grundy

This interest was later reinforced when Baker and her husband moved to Kings Point in 1993.

Vincent Delisi

We went to Congo to show people what war is like, how harmful it is to civilians, and we ended up becoming war-affected ourselves, Our being there, hearing the bullets around us, the mortar fire, the injured being brought in for medical treatment, it reinforced our belief that more must be done to prevent war and protect innocent civilians.

Steve Jocz

This has reinforced everything we feared about North Korea's promises, but no one expected them to shove it in everyone's faces within 24 hours. It doesn't mean they're ripping up the piece of paper, they just like to keep everyone guessing.

Peter Beck

The shock has been palpable. Germans now feel reinforced in their attachment to our social solidarity and are asking if this is what the American economic model produces. The fact Bush is widely disliked has added to the questioning.

Richard Hilmer

None of the circuits involved in conscious reasoning were particularly engaged. Essentially, it appears as if partisans twirl the cognitive kaleidoscope until they get the conclusions they want, and then they get massively reinforced for it, with the elimination of negative emotional states and activation of positive ones.

Drew Westen

It's been fairly persistent for the last several weeks. It's the big weather-maker. As soon as it weakens, it gets reinforced.

Derek Wroe

The research he presented reinforced what we were feeling. We have done a good job of holding our rates, and business is improving.

Kate Caldwell

What Clinton did reinforced the perception that there's a lot of harm and not a lot of good to be done with the use of this power. There's a lot of political harm that you risk by pardoning the wrong person. ... Bush's pardons are extraordinarily safe.

Douglas Berman

A cheerful frame of mind, reinforced by relaxation... is the medicine that puts all ghosts of fear on the run.

George Matthew Adams

It appears as if partisans twirl the cognitive kaleidoscope until they get the conclusions they want, and then get massively reinforced for it.

Drew Westen

We are planning to buy Treasuries and the consumer price report reinforced our views that U.S. notes will rally. With the Fed likely to raise rates again, that will keep inflation well contained.

Satoshi Asai

It's the most powerful for kids 4 and 5 years old. We offer their first experience of an animal outside their knowledge at home. With their parents and the contact area volunteers as guides, they go ahead and reach out and explore and when they're positively reinforced, they can move forward with confidence and then the learning really starts.

Bret Sellers

What Pop doesn't have is the athletes or depth, to a certain extent. It'll be good for this team. I tell you, it's disruptive. I think this could help George. If it doesn't, you don't lose anything. The way George plays, he's reinforced his help principles through a great drill if he never uses this (in a game).

Rick Majerus

It reinforced what we were already doing.

Caryn Kaufman

The tone of the market was already negative, and that was reinforced today by the news from Brazil.

Gonzalo Alonso

We believe in the need to have a safe building. We have a safe room that's practically a vault -- it's reinforced with 2 feet of concrete all the way around.

Fred Johnson

With how brutal we were in San Jose and how dead we were, I made up my mind almost before we had our talks. But that definitely reinforced the idea.

Cory Sarich

The improving job market in the past few quarters has reinforced consumer confidence both in their own job security as well as in the state of their personal finances. Hong Kong people are more willing to put their hands in their pockets now.

Amy Lee

There are some folks up in northern Indiana who are waiting for public opinion on this matter to be reinforced.

Brian Bosma

That choice reinforced the purchase. It also allowed the customer room to grow toward incremental products and purchases.

Barry Silverman

A lot of Richard Nixon's very dangerous and un-democratic tendencies were reinforced by the sounding board of his top aides, including people who went to jail, like his attorney general, John Mitchell, his top domestic aides, Erlichman and Haldeman.

Allan Lichtman

I got into Mock Trial because I really wanted to be an attorney when I was younger. If anything, it has reinforced it.

Sarah Lewis

The attorney general has just reinforced what the mayor has been saying all along. That the state does not intend for the Marriott to be exempted from the city's living-wage ordinance.

Matt Hennessy

Poland is a large country and it has acted mainly in its own interest, but also reinforced the identity of other new members which are at a similar stage of development.

Eugeniusz Smolar

At the margin they reinforced our growing sense that Fed tightening might stop before the federal funds rate reaches the 5 percent level we are currently forecasting.

Ed Mckelvey