14 quotes about reimburse follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

With some companies, the only thing they reimburse for is prescribing. There's little or no therapy.

Ronald Brown

We're going to step in, use our national resources and let them come to bear to reimburse the city.

Mike Tanner

If it is legal, then I see no problem with it. If the student can keep his grades up while logging the long hours demanded by these tournaments, then it's a good way to try and reimburse tuition.

Chris Tully

It is a reimbursement process. What happens is you pay for stuff up front and you bring in receipts to us, but you must have receipts or documentation and we reimburse you. We can't give money prior to the event.

Kristen Jordan

Every other city employee got overtime. If they can't get it, we'll reimburse the money and FEMA said they would pay.

Mack Mcgehee

It's not appropriate for City Hall to be used for private business. It seems the better part of valor would be to have Southern California Edison reimburse the city for the expense or for her to use another facility.

Bob Stern

I'm very confident (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) will reimburse us for everything.

Joey Durel

We did get our last paychecks, and I did receive part of the travel expenses that are owed to me. I am waiting to see if they are going to reimburse me for the rest of my travel expenses.

Nick Clements

We normally don't reimburse them, ... On occasion, for things or an event above and beyond their capabilities, we step in from time to time.

Margaret Walker

These [are] secret negotiations by essentially a bunch of politically ambitious attorneys general, ... They want their cases to reimburse the treasuries of Florida and other states.

Stanley Rosenblatt

There's a fair amount of mileage that city employees are putting on personal vehicles that we have to reimburse. It started to make sense to think that maybe there was a better way.

Kevin Lewis

We are fully allowed to give gifts to our members. We paid for it, and we have all the checks to reimburse the party for it.

Jeff Sadosky

At the end of the 15th year, the county would reimburse Scripps the total expended on the premium, which is estimated at $22.8 million.

Shannon Larocque

They clearly haven't done enough. Whatever they have done hasn't been effective. Only after they got that letter from DOJ did they begin their most recent program to reimburse local clerks.

Mark Brewer