15 quotes about ratcheting follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It is hard to see the justification for ratcheting the national PM standard lower at this point.

Scott Segal

If the company said it was a one-quarter event, then I think the downside would have been limited, ... But given the guidance we received, which is that growth is likely to slow because the company is so large, that will ratchet down the numbers for fiscal 2001, and that's probably where the damage is going to come from.

Charlie Wolf

The governor's main concern with the legislation as passed is the automatic indexing, ... It will only ratchet things up and will tie the government's hands and will deprive it of the flexibility to address changing economic conditions.

Vince Sollitto

That was a fun environment. It had to be a huge difference for us. The kids ... used that energy to try to ratchet up our intensity to keep our focus.

Andrew Frank

I think what this is, is ratcheting this up.

Bruce Gellin

We know we've got a big challenge this week and that we've got to ratchet it up another notch. The road to the Highland Conference title goes is going to go through Beal City and somebody's got to prove they can beat Beal City.

Mark Kassuba

Visually, they are ratcheting up what it takes to be menacing. Would young guys today be intimidated by Bogey with his little .38? I doubt it.

Jackson Katz

Channel checks reveal PC pricing pressures continue to ratchet up, with no indications of easing until mid-2001, ... We also believe that notebook demand, one of Intel's strongest drivers, has slowed, leaving Intel with less cushion relative to its overall exposure to the PC industry.

Charlie Glavin

We've seen over £50billion of additional business tax since 1997 and the share of Government spending has continued to ratchet upwards.

Doug Godden

Their tremendous experience on the campaign trail and in the White House, as well as their passion for their political points of view, is certain to ratchet up the level of debate on the new 'Crossfire.' .

Teya Ryan

We need to ratchet up our assistance. The next six weeks are going to be decisive. Last year, half a million Somalis needed food aid, now there are 1.4 million.

Bob Mccarthy

[Saying] it doesn't take a rocket scientist ... ratchet up the pressure.

Fred Upton

I hope the community will see that there are an array of opportunities to help us here, ... I want the community to feel that there has been a ratcheting up of the visibility of this campus. We are still a well-kept secret to some.

Karen Haynes

We have seen it start to ratchet up.

Andrew Lochart

You certainly can expect the U.S. to continue to ratchet up the pressure for free and fair elections between now and March 9.

Ed Royce