The governor's main concern with the legislation as passed is the automatic indexing, ... It will only ratchet things up and will tie the government's hands and will deprive it of the flexibility to address changing economic conditions.

The governor's been fairly consistent since day one. He welcomes the Legislature's involvement and input and understands there are other ideas that need to be considered in the art of reaching agreement and is optimistic that can be accomplished.

Let's realize how far this governor has come and give credit where credit's due. The governor has taken the deficit from $16 billion down to $4 billion and that's a tremendous accomplishment.

Our intent is to continue to seek ratification of the compact.

Tax-and-spend rhetoric aside, California needs budget reform, because it's not a revenue problem, but a spending problem.

The court will have a full opportunity to understand why the governor and the legislature believe the state has a compelling interest in protecting children from potential harm from exposure to extremely violent video games.

That's not the case, and everyone knows that. This governor has had good relations with Mexican governors. He hopes to meet with President (Vicente) Fox himself at some point in the future when their schedules are convenient. But there's nothing to mend here.

The governor's concern is that this bill ties government's hands and does not provide the flexibility it needs to address changing economic conditions.

Those tribes were two of the largest in the state. Given their unique economic needs, those were the terms of the compact.