3 quotes about pryce follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

There's only room for one con man in this town. It's still on Broadway (now with Jonathan Pryce) and playing to full houses.

Leslie Broecker

I came over to London to do The Music Man for BBC radio and one of Cameron Mackintosh's representatives was there and asked me if I would like to play Fagin after Jonathan Pryce left. The thing was, I'd never seen Oliver!

Jim Dale

When a team plays that, they've got to nickel and dime and pick (their) way down the field, ... And one thing we pride ourselves on is we try not to get frustrated. If the plays aren't coming, somebody will say - John Lynch, Al Wilson, Trevor Pryce, myself - one of the leaders will say, 'Hey, just calm down, we'll get off the field here, just keep on playing hard.' .

Brian Goldberg