20 quotes about procedural follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

As long as you follow the new procedural rules, it shouldn't hurt you that bad if the bankruptcy is really warranted.

Frank Adams

The detected violations were of procedural character and do not influence the election results.

Lidiya Yermoshina

(The coalition) succeeded in getting the court to order a fix-it ticket to the water board on a procedural issue. That will not affect their power to issue more of these rules in the future.

David Beckmann

The WTO cases have to do with conformity to the very loose procedural obligations incorporated in the WTO itself.

Gordon Ritchie

The question is close, and the arguments against him do not warrant extraordinary procedural tactics to block the nomination.

Harry Reid

We are satisfied with the terms. The rest is procedural.

Tassos Papadopoulos

You know the whole question comes down to whether there's going to be an indictment or not, whether there's enough evidence for an indictment or whether these are just procedural-type problems of things we need to fix.

Rep. Hugh Holliman

The insurance carrier kept putting up a number of procedural roadblocks, none of which involved the loss itself.

Christopher Opalinski

We're not closing any doors. What we've found is everybody's so fallen in love with these characters that we have to explore it, but we cannot simply throw out the essence of the show, which is the procedural element.

David Shore

There wasn't any observable scientific or procedural reason for them to first decline and then further delay the decision, ... I had to make the inference this was a decision that was made on the basis of political pressure, and it seemed to me that was unacceptable.

Frank Davidoff

We did see some procedural irregularities but nothing that I consider systemic and which would have influenced the overall conduct of the election. This was a peaceful and good election.

Peter Erben

There are conditions, which shows they had concerns, but it's all procedural and relies entirely on good faith. There's nothing those conditions ... nothing that assures us they're not hiring someone with bin Laden.

Rep. Pete King

From a procedural perspective, the issues from here are: bidder due diligence; recommendation levels; and, any conditionality on the bidder's funds.

Andrew Walsh

We believed all along that this rehearing request was nothing more than procedural maneuvering by R-CALF and are pleased that the court has dismissed it.

Andy Mitchell

There's a number of errors ranging from where the course area was, the length of the course, as well as procedural errors...it's probably the first America's Cup race that's gone around an island since 1851.

Brian Walker

What a fraud this whole thing was. A procedural fraud.

Tim Potts

Taft's encouragement of McKenna's resignation illustrates how effective procedural pressure exerted by a chief justice can be. With the concurrence of his colleagues, Taft was able to steer important opinions away from McKenna until he was able to persuade him to leave.

David Atkinson

This suggests that RBC fears the hearings at the Court of Arbitration and is making every effort to delay them. Obviously, there is nothing they can say and they are employing various procedural gimmicks.

Nana Gobeshia

It seems like to me, police made a lot of procedural errors.

Karl Turner

It's got the things that you love about 'Law & Order' -- the great procedural stuff. And we're also going to show you how the cases affect the characters' personal lives.

Eric Balfour