Apparently we had got to the situation prior to the 11-year-old being assaulted.

Scott Tingelhoff

This is a decision that had been made prior to the merger, reflective of the overall change in the telecommunications industry.

Bill Kula

They were not required to abstain prior to starting treatment. Some selected to, and others did not.

Michael Bohn

We did not notice any difference prior to the IVF between those who conceived and those who did not, ... There is no reason to believe that psychological stress will influence the outcome of IVF.

Anders Moller

No, not prior to that.

Thomas Flynn

There is increasing chatter that when the in-patient payment system comes out in a couple of weeks, that it will be more controversial than we've seen in prior years.

Tao Levy

Clearly the market has slowed from the white-hot conditions that have existed over the prior years.

Ara Hovnanian

We will have a month together prior to the World Cup to prepare.

Luis Oliveira Goncalves

Get last year's return file, and look at all items under income and deductions. Based on the prior year, you may already have phone numbers you can call.

Bernie Kent

Prior to this, it was a hit-and-miss program.

Joseph Suina

We haven't got to that point yet, but in order for this to work the way it should, we're probably going to have weigh-ins prior to each day of competition.

Henry Zaborniak

Berkeley became a left-wing community as a result of the '60s. The university is about the same as it was before politically. But the city is much more to the left than it was prior to all of this.

John Searle

Members of our corporate security network informed the police department of the e-mails' existence days prior to any announcement of the threat.

Paul Browne

[Not surprisingly, Mitchell has a counter.] There's about $100 million in it, ... Starcom was always on top and oops, they're now not. Prior to Nielsen's numbers, everyone used to lie, including us, I might say. But Mr Leeds seems to have most trouble adding up. It's not good for a media man.

Harold Mitchell

Our goal today was to ensure that Mrs. Lewis' son would not be evicted prior to that (Sept. 23) hearing.

Doug Honig

John Ashcroft is not a friend of liberty and justice. George Bush, the appointed president, is not someone who ---prior to a month ago--- ever demonstrated any insight or acuity about the world around him. Have these men been born again, again?

Jeffrey Montgomery

We played in the Coliseum then, that had over 94,000 people. Prior to that, the biggest crowd I played in front of was about 1,500. And if you can imagine the sound of 94,000 people chanting 'Go, go, go Maury go,' I knew I had a home.

Maury Wills

One of the things I will bring is the administrative ability to lead an office. In my prior professions, I have administered offices.

Kathryn B. Hendrickson

The impediments placed in the way of attracting these much-needed skills and investment into the country are increasing and making it more difficult than it was prior to the Immigration Act and the introduction of the new immigration regulations.

Julian Pokroy

We haven't seen a labor market this strong since prior to January 2001. This is a significant gain.

Phil Gardner

Our revenues are down about 20 percent from prior years.

Neil Baldwin

No, that wasn't my belief because . . . I couldn't predict what anybody would do prior to the meeting. I didn't sit around and take a poll of who was going to vote for it.

Curtis Jenkins

Eight times prior, I've got him out the same way. Unfortunately, it came at the wrong time.

Roberto Hernandez

In those days, there was lots more of a spoils system prior to the passage of statewide classification and pay, collective bargaining and executive reorganization.

Tom Schneider

Soto has done time prior, your honor.

Patrick Hayes

We are evaluating our financial prospects for 2006 and 2007 in light of current and anticipated business conditions, and are withdrawing our prior guidance for those years.

Hank Mckinnell

We were just about to finish getting money from last year prior to Wilma. After the storm, we still got some checks from Frances or Jeanne.

Nicole Gasparri

Well, offenders who have offended against a family member or another relative or neighbor who has not committed a prior offense typically score low on these risk assessment instruments, particularly if they have not, do not have any prior criminal history.

Georgia Cumming

It is the first time in my experience that major changes that were rejected during preliminary considerations have been made to such a high-profile document without prior discussion by the Cabinet and coordination with the main ministers.

Alexei Kudrin

We would have second thoughts about using Kate Moss again. We weren't aware of any issues with Kate prior to this campaign.

Gloria Vanderbilt

At the moment we think AU$1.01 is a fair price for the information we have had available to us prior and post bid, so that is where it sits at the moment.

Adrian Coote

Prior to that, it was mostly in the single digits. A week later it was 20.

Kathy Bailey

ISC remains deeply apologetic that prior versions of BIND did not properly catch the configuration error that you appear to have built your business on.

Paul Vixie

There had been countless overtures prior to this particular publisher. But others finally convinced him that Dell was at a strategic point in the business, and this would be an opportunity to further the brand. Personally, he wouldn't have chosen to do it. It was difficult for him. He is singularly focused on the success of the business.

Michelle Moore

I was under the impression, as was everybody in the organization, that whatever Mike's input would be, he would do that either prior to the game or during the week.

John Shaw

I don't see anything on the horizon that would significantly change our posture prior to the election.

Terrance Gainer

We will question neighbors as to any activity prior to the fire -- if they saw anyone in the area.

Mark James

The earnings momentum from the prior fiscal year has been maintained despite some slowing in economic activity, particularly consumer credit growth.

Ralph Norris

What is being done here on the basis of what we think is a very over-broad prior restraint is to forbid, in a way that no appellate court has ever upheld before, a distribution of intellectual information, intellectual knowledge, owned by the person who is distributing it.

David Boies

Me and James communicated prior to the play. Their corners were playing a lot of cover three zones, so I wanted to out-run them. I told him to put it up there so I could make a play and he did.

Aundrae Allison

It's a victory but not an unexpected one. Failure to let [Andersen's prior history] in would have been a huge defeat.

Stan Twardy

All sports have exercise and stretching prior to the activity, and skiing should be no exception.

Carly Carmichael

Our investigators were aware of the contents of the memo prior to seeking the search warrants and arrest warrant for Mr. Jackson.

Tom Sneddon

This is the third year my husband and I have come down to Florida. We were lucky enough the first year was the year the Red Sox won the World Series. We had come down just prior to those games, so it was a lot of fun.

Carol Ryan

We're not flat-out against a referendum. A budget plan has to be in place prior to April 4 so that when the referendum doesn't pass, the school administration and board have a plan� a better plan that doesn't include cutting curriculum and sports.

Mike Bidwell

Prior to Marilyn Monroe, a star's life was hidden from the public. But now, instead of a glossy ideal, we see celebrity's ugly messes, including their drug and alcohol abuse, which, for many who admire these people, translates into a very dangerous message.

Abby Aronowitz

Our suspect has a prior drug history. In fact, she just recently got off probation on drug charges, and she's back in business.

Lt. Darrell Sanders

I was extremely pleased with our outing in the tournament. The girls have had some tough losses prior to this tournament, but came out ready to play and proved that we are contenders.

Stephanie Dietz

The building is solid; the (prior) management was bad. The problem with the building from the outside is it's dated. People look at it and think is in bad shape (inside). All the outside will be re-done.

Joseph Keyes

There are many risks and benefits with cesarean birth that should be discussed prior to making decisions about delivery.

J. Murphy

We lease the majority of our centers prior to breaking ground.

Laura Baker

Even if Marc were charged with offences arising out of the 2004 campaign, all of his action or inaction would have occurred prior to being put on bail, and those cannot be held to be violating bail conditions.

Kirk Tousaw

Prior to the law, the president and vice president could decide if the department were to exist or not at any time.

Prescott White

It would have been useful to have had a nomination of a successor prior to Jackson Hole because, in a way, Jackson Hole is a farewell to Chairman Greenspan.

Allen Sinai

Prior to any press reports of allegations linking the Sudanese gum arabic industry to Mr. Osama bin Laden.

Bob Menendez

Northwest experienced mechanical issues prior to the strike and we continue to experience them today. So this isn't new.

Jennifer Bagdade

We want to deal with this up front, ... The goal is to be able to frame the size of the matter. These are historical financials from prior management; it has nothing to do with the current business. We look forward to getting this behind us.

Stephen Richards

The last time consumer confidence declined a comparable extent was prior to the recessions in 1990 and 1980.

Richard Curtin

I met Morna about three ½ months ago. She had been diagnosed three months prior and was really looking for someone else who had gone through the same thing she was going through.

Suzanne Lindley

At this point, that really isn't important. It was a strategic decision made by prior management and we really can't answer for them.

Mike Sponseller

Prior to this there was the pledge that it would happen; this brings about a measure of sureness.

Chris Ullman

CBC has been kind enough to give us permission to show it theatrically prior to it hitting the small screen.

Kerrie Long

I think what people will see is that commentary from Fed officials will sound almost identical to their commentary prior to this meeting. Nothing's really changed at the Fed.

Ethan Harris

On both of those two prior occasions, they soon regretted their buying binges...and they probably will again this time.

Eric Fry

I think the governor and I had an appreciation for a more coherent and organized communications structure than was employed by prior administrations.

Eric Fehrnstrom

I know that's kind of the hot question, ... I don't know if they'll meet prior to the next regularly scheduled board meeting to address that. They very well could, but there are no known plans to do so yet.

Emily Gill

When it comes to negotiating leave, find out what your company's practices are and what kind of bad and good experiences your boss has had. An organization's response is going to be shaped by their prior experiences.

Ellen Galinsky

Its a matter of money. Their site is very robust. It's a fascinating announcement. Making it prior to the Christmas season leads me to believe they're probably bleeding pretty badly.

Elaine Rubin

These priceless artworks from the collection of their Armory Chamber provide insight into the extraordinary lives of the Moscow princes and tsars of Russia prior to the founding of St. Petersburg in the early 18th century.

Elizabeth Herridge

Only a few eccentric, wealthy people will experience space tourism prior to 2020. It (2020) may be a little too soon.

Eileen Kennedy

We are confident that our operating results, excluding the impact of special items, will meet or be slightly favorable to our prior guidance of a loss of 4 cents per share.

Edward Breen

From what I've witnessed, we still have a lot of new homes being constructed but it's somewhat less than what it's been the last two prior years.

Eddie Thornton

Many of the fires that we see in college housing, in fact [the] vast majority of them, are preventable. There are steps that can be taken prior to the fire to ensure that it didn't have the fatal outcome we see.

Ed Comeau

I'm an owner and manager of a restaurant. I did what I thought was right. If they would have contacted me prior to the event and told me their plans, I would have politely told them to leave the flag at home.

Zach Doulaveris