4 quotes about precursors follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It is absolutely critical for the public and for health practitioners across the country to know about GHB and its precursors such as 1,4-butanediol.

Deborah Zvosec

[Echo Boomers are important because they are] really the precursors of what the mass audience will be doing soon, ... They`re being raised in an environment with expectations that are really unfamiliar, uncharted territories for all of us.

David Liu

Two hundred years ago, our precursors in Haiti struck a blow for freedom, which was heard around the world, and across centuries.

Baldwin Spencer

It is the beginning of the redevelopment of northeast Dallas. I think these projects are the precursors of what you will see happen a lot more in that area.

Bill Blaydes