15 quotes about poking follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

He has a long record of poking Republicans in the eye. He's so far out there. He campaigned for John Kerry. I rest my case.

Ray Mcnally

It's going to be a lively discussion. It's like poking a beehive. It's got folks riled up.

Jim Maxwell

What about him?. He's poking his tongue out at me.

Paul Rauhihi

The damages are really the big issue. Are you just poking around, checking your e-mail, or are you doing it on a regular basis and affecting this person's bandwidth?

Robert Hale

[Poking fun at a new Creel campaign logo using a stylized version of the letter] S ... His passion for Mexico will be the kryptonite of mediocrity that afflicts the country.

Santiago Creel

I think any VC who isn't poking their head over in China has their head in the sand. That said, I don't know if this is the right time to be over there.

Dan Levitan

We are on pins and needles here with some dangerous levels in the euro. This area was thought to be resistance and we are poking our head above it.

John Beerling

This is coming from Mr. Altman's diary. I don't remember it, but I will say to you that I wouldn't want anybody poking around in 20 years of my life.

Harold L. Ickes

If you published a cartoon poking fun at George Bush, and since I support George Bush, would you want me to be able to say either I'm going to put you in jail for publishing that cartoon against somebody I like or I'm going to kill you? You wouldn't like that one bit.

John Caffery

I was out poking around about another job, and Clay come in.

Doug Cooper

You're poking around in dumpsters, driving around places that are not even a mile from your house. My eyes were really opened to the fact that we really do have working poor here in Plano. A lot of people think that this is nothing but a large Highland Park, and it's not like that.

Barry Williams

I think the mayor and I are in agreement. He was, I'm sure, poking a little fun at Manchester.

Craig Coy

Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.

Zora Neale Hurston

That's terrific if you're a BellSouth shareholder ... but there are too many negatives poking at the market right now.

Elliot Spar

He was poking the screen with it, over and over until he ripped it. But he didn't say anything about it, and then he actually incorporated it into his explanation of the next slide.

Edward Cooke