I planned it this way, ... I was high up in the points when we decided to get pregnant.

Laura Diaz

It's where we planned to spend the rest of our days.

Carol Farley

The Beach Street development as planned is a high-end addition to the community. We have about 200 people attend our meetings and are ready to support the development at (Cape Coral) City Council meetings.

Herb Schneider

We have to win on the road. That is basically what it comes down to. We didn't come into this series thinking that we would not have to win in D.C. We planned on it, and that is something that we have to do.

Larry Hughes

This was a planned governmental action to kill Armenians, not something that happened randomly. We never had the luxury of growing up with a normal family life with grandparents, aunts or uncles. So many didn't survive.

George Leylegian

They have told us that (the suspension of new programming) is a normal, planned production hiatus to plan for the Gay Games.

Kevin Boyer

She received immediate medical attention at the site and is now proceeding with her schedule as planned.

Philippe Reines

We might have a script planned for next week and then something important might happen, and we address that then.

Della Reese

If you have accomplished all that you have planned for yourself, you have not planned enough.

Edward Everett Hale

This event is specifically planned for the eastern part of the county. We hope to draw people in from Pepin and Dunn counties too.

Everett Muhlhausen

Unfortunately for the defendant, any abuse in this case is a motive for doing what he did. It certainly isn't self-defense. He wasn't currently in a fight with his father. He planned a murder ahead of time and executed it.

Eric Phillips

These discounts are too good to pass up. But we think that these are planned sales and not at the expense of retailers' profits.

Ellen Tolley

We may have actually closed it early than it needed to be, but we picked a date that we knew would not be interrupted. We planned events all the way through to the end with a large plan for the last run up to the closing.

Ted Bailey

If you've planned a late wedding it may pay to put it off a few days into 2000 because the savings over (both) your lifetimes may pay for a few weddings for the kids.

Ed Slott

We have evidence ... that showed they thought about it, planned about it, talked about it.

Ed Parkinson