23 quotes about pathway follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We hope there is a pathway back to the market.

James Mullen

Even though the correct pathway can be walked in only 15 to 20 minutes, most wandering maze-goers will require about one hour to travel through the maze.

John Beasley

They access us through word of mouth and we set them on a career pathway.

Robert Yarris

Being directed down that pathway is very helpful.

David Altshuler

There is reason to believe that quite a number of them have already been consumed and we are following back this pathway very closely.

Michael Friedman

What is it dogs are smelling, and can chemical analysis match the dogs in terms of specificity and sensitivity? Then the pathway will likely lead to an ?electronic nose.

Michael Mcculloch

This says individuals might be genetically predisposed to more than one type of cancer. That tells us that there is a common pathway for these cancers.

Olga Gorlova

In Mexico, theater is very underground, so if you're a theater actor it's very difficult to make a living. But it's also a very beautiful pathway to knowledge and to an open education.

Gael Garcia Bernal

(With) a direct route from a U.S. hub to China, it would just open up a huge pathway to sell our products. It would just be a huge opportunity for Indiana companies.

Mark Cisneros

Some people have helped by contributing dollars to a specific project, like the pathway. That really helps us. Whether it's a $10 donation, or $100 donation, that really helps us.

Jim Mcclelland

Each community will devise for themselves their own community vision. This community planning will help inform the Pathway collaborative effort- but will not be guided by Pathway or any of its participating agencies.

Rex Norman

Obesity is a very complex disease, and this metabolic pathway does not fully explain obesity, but it is a likely contributor.

Deborah Muoio

That gives us a learning pathway of what courses the student should take.

Matt Hausmann

Towards this goal, we are currently dissecting the molecular mechanism by which the aborted function of this repair enzyme attenuates its normal repair pathway. This is crucial information for understanding how to design new drugs or other interventions that help patients.

Cynthia Mcmurray

This is essentially another pathway into the profession. It's a little more intensive, but it actually offers access into the profession and the ability to practice medicine with a smaller financial output.

Suzanne York

With vanadyl sulphate being like IGF-1, we expected to see resistance in the diabetic animals, but we didn't see that. We saw similar improvement. Thus it must have been acting through a different pathway than do IGF-1 or insulin.

Daniel Johnson

Obesity is a very complex disease, and this metabolic pathway probably does not fully explain obesity, but we now know that SCD1 is at least a very important contributor.

Deborah Muoio

We've plugged this pathway. So, we're confident we can screen the cargo coming in with the various technology that we have.

Jim Kosciuk

Most of the time, the vocational degrees are part of a linear pathway that would allow them to go straight from here to a bachelor's program.

Michelle Nelson

It will limit the negative impacts that a development could bring to the community, ... It's a pathway to orderly development, and the village is calling the shots.

Donald Briggs

I think it's fair to say that we're pleased to see that for once people are looking at a comprehensive approach to figuring out a pathway to Hawaii's energy future.

Albert Chee

Here, we have a novel neural pathway mediating the regulatory actions of sex steroids.

Lance Kriegsfeld

The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities, some considered to be unnatural.
