"Rex Norman" (1891–1961) was an Australian rugby league footballer and cricketer, who represented Australasia in rugby league and New South Wales in both sports.

More Rex Norman on Wikipedia.

Historically it's a seasonal marsh. We will have to evaluate the property and see what can and cannot be done to restore the marshland or responsibly keep the lake intact.

Each community will devise for themselves their own community vision. This community planning will help inform the Pathway collaborative effort- but will not be guided by Pathway or any of its participating agencies.

We're trying to ensure the dam, which has been identified for years as being at risk for failure. That's the most crucial structure. After that we'll identify the status of the buildings on the parcel.

A big advantage of SNPLMA is being able to (apply for) multi-year projects. Projects used to end each fiscal year so it was difficult to look long-term.

We're going to work with agencies like TRPA and take a look at the entire basin. It used to be just look at immediate needs to reduce fuel but now we have a way to focus long-term, and the technology is there to connect that.

We're just getting going with (fuels) reduction and projects that will really help the watershed. I think we're starting to get a handle on the kinds of tangible projects that will make both immediate and long-term impact(s).

The forum will begin work on strategies - the how and what of the planning phase.

We don't have any word for sure. On the record, I know what you know - which is wait for the announcement ... but there has been speculation.

It's true. We're really working hard to make Incline Lake a reality, but that doesn't mean that we're not focused on other projects to improve the basin - sometimes big projects.