9 quotes about opinionated follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I am rather an opinionated person I suppose.

Miriam Margolyes

I make my living half as a critic, so I think that opinionated would be a good thing for a critic to be. And I think crankiness has some sort of connotation of individualism.

Sarah Vowell

He is a very opinionated man. He will make that decision on his own, just like he makes all other decisions.

Ilan Cohen

And then you have people who know very little about alternative medicine but have a lot of very strong opinions. They're very opinionated about the field, so you have to go up against that.

Thomas Leung

I never heard Paul more opinionated and more animated and committed and passionate as he was (Tuesday).

Steve Tisch

I'm cursed with empathy. I'm also by nature way too opinionated.

John Shirley

A lot of environmentalists we dealt with were kooks. They were not well educated; they were opinionated; and they were commonly wrong. I think we understand more because we're better educated.

Jim Griffiths

All the news is becoming more opinionated anyway, ... You can be opinionated as long as you have the research to back it up.

Don Hazen

A lot of people in Model U.N. are very opinionated, sometimes difficult people. You have to learn to compromise.

Chuck Major