Monitor well and be ready for any contingency.

Vidal Querol

We are monitoring the situation.

Oliver Drewes

We have to monitor it all the time. In 2004, we submitted a $30 million budget, but only actually spent $22.3 million. That's because we only had revenues of $22.6 million.

Chris Ford

We need to have one body to monitor and with whom we can directly deal instead of going to different departments.

Avtar Singh

While we will continue to carefully monitor inflationary pressures, we do not expect any significant change in 2006.

Kelly Matthews

Our security staff will be monitoring entrances, but all of our employees have been trained in how to politely approach someone and ask them not to smoke.

Cathy Bowers

We are monitoring what the Defense Department may do in terms of providing surveillance information to domestic law enforcement.

Laura Murphy

The plan fails to provide bottom line standards for biological goals, adaptive management, monitoring, and permit duration.

Daniel Hall

We're monitoring that, but we haven't really had any reports of flooding yet. It is a concern, though.

Jennifer Via

We are monitoring the patient with more control. It's not that the doctor is monitoring from afar. This means an extra set of eyes.

Dr. Raul Mendoza

We monitor the lake's fish populations yearly and watched the quality of the bluegill decline after we found shad in the lake.

Kerry Prather

This is the classic case of the fox guarding the hen house. There needs to be independent air monitoring, just like there needs to be independent water monitoring.

Robin Saha

When I started teaching, they said 'Here's your health insurance, here's your retirement plan.' And it was good. I didn't have to monitor it. That's not the way it is anymore.

Jerry Parsons

We're still in our monitoring phase, and it's too early to predict Mr. Hunter's needs.

Paul Cunningham

Events such as this help us monitor the health of frogs and enable us to detect any abnormalities.

Dr Les Minter

We advise the offender in advance that unless they otherwise hear from us, at 12:01am, they can cut the bracelet off - it's just a rubber band. Then all monitoring will cease.

Chris Stanton

NASA states, in these documents, that they [also] have 'confidential sources' in Britain and Belgium monitoring Global Network activities.

Kevin Aplin

It's just the same as any Canadian citizen that's gone missing in another country. They will monitor the investigation from the police in Italy and then really it's a case of seeing what happens next.

Alan Bell

I've never been on a launch monitor. You have to be prepared.

Teresa Parker

During the negotiations we will continue to monitor progress closely and the European Commission will not hesitate to recommend the suspension of negotiations if the efforts.

Olli Rehn

We believe the medium is the right level and we don't have any credible threats at this point. We'll monitor that every day.

Christine Nixon

They had state people out here monitoring, but nothing got done until we made those calls to Civil Defense yesterday, so it's frustrating.

Chester Kahapea

If there is a vigil then we will monitor it and ensure that things do not get out of hand.

Alex Wright

Monitoring what American citizens do in their own homes on their own time with their own money is not the federal government's business.

Radley Balko

The FAA has been monitoring America West closely for some time.

Laura Brown

It involves a lot of monitoring.

Lisa Anderson

Some of the things you monitor no longer mean the same thing.

Eric Kuzmack

Residents of Louisiana eastward to Florida should monitor this storm system.

Eric Blake

The companies are left to monitor themselves, and only report their emissions once a year.

Elyssa Rosen

We are concerned, and we are monitoring it.

Emily Lucier

I will be monitoring the weather all weekend.

Ellen Brown

We will have to continue to monitor ozone levels for years to come before we can be confident.

Elizabeth Weatherhead

It is not over yet. It is a growing crisis. We need a break in weather, we are monitoring and we are responding.

Ed Teixeira

So, monitoring work will be carried out along their moving channels and in their habitats in the north, mainly large-area wetlands.

Zhuo Rongsheng