6 quotes about makings follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Wellington look like they're hitting their straps at the moment. We're on the up, but they are too. It's got all the makings of another big clash.

Reuben Thorne

Asia has the makings of a new economic paradigm, where it moves away from the export-led model.

Rob Subbaraman

This film has all the makings of a [box-office] bomb.

Michael Levine

I think we have the makings of a real exciting group.

Daryl Dickey

They have the makings to be a very formidable player. Their strategy is well rounded to execute on the residential level.

Donato Eassey

We actually called our bipartisan tax cut the October plan, because we believe that there's the makings here of a grand compromise, ... Face the Nation.

Robert Torricelli