The idea of having a facility like this is to obtain and maintain collections of information that would be valuable to oil and gas operators.

Charles Mankin

We're not responding to a threat, we're maintaining a leadership role.

John Marburger

As complicated as joint custody is, it allows the delicious contradiction of having children and maintaining the intimacy of life-before-kids.

Delia Ephron

We looked good early on in the day against Truman, but in the last dual we weren't focused. I was happy with our performance, but we need to just maintain our focus, especially this late in the season.

David Ganey

It's not about who we play, but about keeping up the tradition, about maintaining the streak.

Doc Rivers

The proposals being put out are far too ambiguous from our point of view. They looked as though there had been a hidden agenda to maintain the status quo.

Gordon Taylor

Always try to maintain complete tolerance and always make an effort to give people more than they expect.

Scott Hamilton

We would hope that physicians would recognize that clinical skills and communications skills are very important to maintaining one's competency as a physician.

Nancy Achin Audesse

I'm really happy that I was able to maintain my form all the way through the race ... I'm really grateful for that.

Omar Brown

Our goals are to be able to save enough to send both kids to college and maintain a cash fund of around $10,000. We have to wait and see if Mr. Greenspan brings the interest rates back down.

Keith Byrd

We always maintain a list of existing growers who want to add to their broiler houses as well as people who are interested in becoming growers.

Bob Billingsley

What is hell? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

[Without financial help,] we put out fires, ... That's not any way to maintain a piece of property. Right now it is just catch-up for us.

Susan Hayward

We're delighted that Charlotte was able to maintain a normal operation. That helped maintain the integrity of much of the rest of our system.

David Castelveter

With the price of bowling balls today, it's crazy not to maintain bowling balls.

Dave Titer

It's really the process of being active and that's what we want to get across. You need to maintain a healthy active lifestyle across the life span.

Gregg Wilson

It provides for a chance to enter into a new level of conversation. It gives you an opportunity to form and maintain communities.

Alex Halavais

Schools will still use PCs, but they don't have enough of them and the cost of maintaining them is very high.

Gina Smith

We have a great relationship [with the residents]. We are very careful to maintain it.

Will Scheffer

It created a lot of momentum which it managed to maintain for two or three years.

Philippe Poels

I maintain the rather old-fashioned view that this is my work and it's in the public arena, but that doesn't entitle everyone to know what happened at home before coming here.

Francesca Annis

I thought we did a pretty good job. Our linemen were able to maintain their blocks, allowing us to run inside and get outside too.

Keith Sinclair

The bottom line is, agencies will maintain their highest credit rating. Agencies are looking like pretty good value.

Josh Stiles

AMD let (corporate customers) maintain that infrastructure and just gave them a little more horsepower.

Christopher Caso

It's been instrumental in helping us maintain that program, providing a heavy chunk of our operating budget for our second facility.

Carl Cook

It's everything from personnel functions, finance budgeting, how does policy get made, how do you initiate and maintain change in a large bureaucracy-and all of this in the context of the U.A.E., the U.A.E. in the gulf states and the gulf states in the world.

Steve Ott

Jeff and Jon have had to step up their game. Each has taken it upon themselves to maintain the excellent level of play that we have been enjoying so far.

Jeff Pyle

I don't know, frankly, what we can do other than what we already do and maintain a good visitor experience. I don't know what we can do other than build a plastic bubble around the place. If someone is going to do something foolish, there's very little we can do to prevent it.

Jim Starkey

In the FOMC statement, the Fed may have little choice but to acknowledge Q4 weakness, but will probably maintain that the first half (of 2006) should be better.

Brian Morris

We're facing a serious crisis that may end up culling some of the very best people out of the biomedical research enterprise. There will be people who lose all funding or have gaps in funding so they can't maintain the infrastructure they've built.

Jack Feldman

The challenge is: How do you maintain this? The industry has to do a stronger job of reaching out to more mainstream consumers.

Russ Crupnick

We have demonstrated a high level of acquisition discipline in the past, and shareholders expect us to maintain that going forward.

John Munro

All I can say is that we will certainly attempt to recover industry cost increases and capture the value of the Chiquita brand to maintain our price premium.

Michael Mitchell

You can not possibly have a broader basis for government than that which includes all the people, with all their rights in their hands, and with an equal power to maintain their rights.

William Lloyd Garrison

Don't try to be cute. Maintain your focus--you're hunting for a job, not reliving your past.

Scott Simmons

If you've never bought a car, you don't know anything about maintaining a car. (Young buyers) don't figure out how much the car is going to cost them the whole year.

Jeff Oseroff

We are not talking about adding anything new, this is simply trying to maintain the status quo.

Carol Comeau

We're all we've got here. We're maintaining a family.

Devanei Hampton

He calls upon Palestinians and Israelis to do their utmost to maintain calm at this difficult moment.

Stephanie Dujarric

We just needed to stop their runs. We knew it was bound to happen if we could maintain our defensive composure.

Sheryl Krmpotich

We know that one of the functions of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes is to maintain genomic integrity, and to do that, they first have to be able to detect DNA damage and signal to the cell that it is there, and then become involved in repairing it.

Dr. Eliot Rosenkranz

Because we want to maintain access into the back country, ... For our enjoyment and everyone else's enjoyment.

Ellen Knapp

We know that we have things to do and we think that we're headed in the right direction and we look for Tim Dillingham and the support of the (environmental activists) to assist us in maintaining our beautiful coastline.

Elaine Makatura

It's just amazing how important GE Power Systems has become to this company, ... It really has allowed GE to maintain its earning growth.

Edward Jones

Those jobs look fairly good going into 2006. We won't see a lot of hiring there, but the economy looks strong enough to maintain level of employment we have.

Edward Deak

The banking industry is losing a valued friend, but we're confident that the committee will maintain the civil and pragmatic approach that Chairman Oxley fostered.

Edward Yingling

Running the football is all about attitude. It's the attitude of the guys up front, hitting the defense and maintaining their technique. We didn't have that attitude last year.

Earnest Graham

We maintain he was in the back of the boat gambling with his buddies and did not partake in sexual misconduct.

Earl Gray

We need to maintain a general balance of capital outflows and inflows.

Zou Lin

We feel compelled to maintain that.

Evelyn Gardiner

We are maintaining our full-year 2005 GDP estimate at 4.8 percent, which implies an improvement in the fourth quarter to 5.1 percent.

Euben Paracuelles

Police coverage will be more concentrated and easier to maintain.

Ernest Collins

We gained market dominance, and we've been able to maintain that through innovations.

Eric Collins

Novell has had to try and maintain a position in that space the two giants have been fighting over.

Eric Woods

Our main focus is to maintain visibility, to ensure that people are having a good time and feeling comfortable. If you're not there to have fun, we're going to deal with it with citation or arrests.

Enrique Garcia