If he gets charged in Canada that will have major legal consequences for that extradition request.

David Mccann

The use of inhalants is a big concern since these products are legal and can result in irreparable brain damage or death.

Charles Curie

It appears the governor has the legal authority to impose a cap only when the legislature isn't in session, so we cannot impose a cap unilaterally at this time.

Kevin Hall

He had sought the advice of their legal counsel who advised there was no conflict of interest.

Mark Zadra

As far as I'm concerned, the Legal Services Corp. (which funds CRLA) had been the cutting edge of the left in America, of liberals in America, to change our society in their image and at a cost to the taxpayer.

Lewis Uhler

Alcohol is probably the easiest substance to abuse, because the potential is there. It's legal, and it's available.

Lance Penny

The grand jurors have done their work extraordinarily well, bringing to bear all of their legal powers, life experiences and shrewdness.

Alex Hunter

I observed events that I thought were wrong, so I did make a conclusion. I didn't make a conclusion that it was legal or illegal.

Paula Rieker

That was all legal at the time.

Carolyn Hern

I think this court is wrong on several legal elements.

David Llewellyn

Depending on our legal advice the city will have to come up with new strategies to deal with the challenges faced in this regard.

Nthatisi Modingoane

Primarily it was to provide the board with a full understanding of the nature of the complaint filed in District Court and also what the legal issues are being challenged.

Bruce Messinger

From a legal perspective, there doesn't appear to be any impediments to opening. He has determined he has an obligation to mitigate his damages.

Luke Lirot

There are many who have been here for at least 10 years [but not considered legal immigrants] and who have kids born here who are already American citizens.

Pak Chung

We are going to be pursuing legal remedies in every form we can to accelerate the appellate process.

Joe Karaganis

Whoever mistreated those detainees, or any detainees in Iraq, will bear legal responsibility and be brought to justice.

Hussein Kamal

I see there is no legal basis to accuse Indonesia of not doing anything to meet all requirements for the restoration of military cooperation.

Juwono Sudarsono

Legal assistance from Democrats trying to cover up a report that would tar them.

John Scofield

He applied the wrong legal standard and ignored the facts.

Maria Lahood

We quickly came to the conclusion that this case was meritorious that [Rocha] was innocent and had not received fair legal representation.

Bob Long

You're not supposed to possess the animal. So you get into legal issues.

David Griffis

A legal or religious ceremony by which two persons of the opposite sex solemnly agree to harass and spy on each other... until death do them join.

Elbert Hubbard

Caring for your dead is legal in Texas. Most people don't know their rights. They don't know what they can ask for.

Joshua Slocum

I don't think there's an issue of guys (players) not knowing what's legal and what's not.

Mats Sundin

The Council took no action nor a position on benefits being legal or illegal nor allowing the City Attorney to be counsel for the [San Diego City Employees' Retirement System] board.

Toni Atkins

We want to aggregate video and other content and make it available in a legal and sanctioned area.

Ashwin Navin

The usage is not the issue. The issue is whether people would purchase the legal one.

Timothy Chen

Combine it all, and it could be tougher to find a lot of legal mature gobblers to chase.

James Austin

We need a legal vehicle for people to come in.

Laura Reiff

It is obvious the company no longer felt it had a legal basis to pursue its defenses without Al.

Albert Dunlap

It's not nice, but it is legal.

Sarah Stein

The legal, political, moral and ethical importance of this vote.

Felipe Perez Roque

From a legal perspective, ... the copy was not on file with the auditor for 10 days.

Scott Phillips

I would rather spend the $25,000 in legal fees to fight it. I don't think we will use it.

John Lambert

It's not a gentleman's agreement; it's a valid, legal contract in every sense of the term.

Mark Ward

Jesse Jackson attempted to use every legal trick at his disposal to have this case dismissed, and he failed. This trial is a major step in holding Jackson accountable for his actions.

Tom Fitton

I will use all legal and constitutional means to retake power.

Lucio Gutierrez

If I'm going to do it, I want to make it legal.

Linda Powell

As a graduate of both our undergraduate program and our school of law, she brings honor to SMU through this nomination and through her distinguished legal career.

Gerald Turner

It can get complicated. It takes time, and there are a lot of legal-document translations.

Patrick Foley

Visa is focused on demonstrating at trial that our practices are legal, appropriate and in the best interest of consumers.

Daniel Tarman

That's a public relations defense, not a legal defense.

Ben Edelman

We are not in legal power to do something. We have to take risks, otherwise we cannot do anything.

Bo Kyi

Four years are four years too many of a shameful legal black hole which has been tolerated by the EU.

Dick Oosting

We are reviewing our legal options.

Anna Farneski

I can easily handle the legal fees.

Adam Fisher

Focusing ahead of time is important. Coaches can't do something without knowing whether it's legal or not. That's how you get yourself into trouble.

Todd Simmons

There are still some legal things to work out, but I would characterize this session as the best we've ever had.

John Donahue

From the standpoint of Ben, obviously Ben did what he did ... but we believe there were errors in both the evidence and the legal instructions to the jury, ... We respect the jury's findings, but feel the decision was flawed.

James Burke

We have to use all legal remedies available to us.

Henry Oppenheimer

For far too long, they have shortchanged our kids. Empty legal rhetoric can't cover up the facts.

Kelly Devers

The legal department tells us we have to do it this way.

Max Mathews

This is an issue that require a consensus and legal changes that do not exist today.

Jose Pablo Arellano

This is almost assuredly a result of the increased legal action towards the once-ignored BitTorrent -- a game of P2P hide-and-seek.

Andrew Parker

The certification . . . obviously changes the dynamic, ... Certification in Florida was not the end. But without some intervening legal decision, it's the beginning of the end.

Robert Torricelli

Attacks on judges are an attack on the legal system and justice itself.

Louis Butler

It's highly offensive to our legal citizens who have to jump through hoops with their credit files to get home loans and they're giving loans to people who have no credit whatsoever.

William Gheen

We shall be taking legal steps to overturn the court's ruling.

Bernhard Schwank

Land Rover is a great brand, and until the [Ford] transaction is a legal deal it is possible that GM could intervene.

Robert Hendry

It's not wise to condemn someone who hasn't tested positive in a legal sense.

Hein Verbruggen

The legal community does not quite have a handle on some of the legal issues. What's happening out there may be a little ahead of the legal field.

Dawn Simon

Love is moral even without legal marriage, but marriage is immoral without love.

Ellen Key

Somebody with diplomatic, investment and legal skills is not a bad mix.

Tom Wright

The European Commission has no legal power to avoid the enacting of some measures on a national level because this is not illegal.

Joaquin Almunia

The bottom line is that it was a legal decision and it was made by (Bradshaw). To say anyone else made the decision is not accurate.

Eric Holland

File sharing has never been more popular than it is now, ... People have heard all the legal threats and admonitions, but that's not enough. They don't believe it.

Eric Garland

We did what we needed to do. We stayed legal, which means we didn't have any disqualifications and we had the depth to pull out the win.

Ericka Fangiullo

If that happens, the TNI will take the necessary legal measures against them.

Endriartono Sutarto

What I heard, unfortunately, was more legal hair-splitting.

Elton Gallegly

There was no formal notification that he has retained any legal counsel either here or (in Britain).

Emily Lagrassa

We finally have realized that America is open to everyone, regardless of their legal status.

Elias Bermudez

We believe this is a diversion that Tom DeLay and his lawyer have cooked up to distract from his serious legal problems and presumably that is what Mr. Earle is interested in showing.

Eli Pariser

There have been so many legal violations that you can consider this election will be neither clean nor fair.

Eldar Namazov

I would not like to see women coming into my board where there is a clear suspicion they are there because of a legal framework and not because of their competence.

Eivind Reiten

That's a more subtle and complicated legal issue that will require a briefing by the parties.

Edward Guedes

Gonzales incident happened last September 21. The announcement is September 28. This is not rush. In fact it was studied by the legal.

Eduardo Ermita

Our legal careers got more stellar with each passing year.

Ed Bryant

Despite their decision, downtown still remains the dominant legal center of the region.

Ed Wolverton

Since labor action falls into the same category as 'Act of God' and 'Act of War,' the carriers have no legal obligation to do anything for the consumer.

Ed Perkins

We purchase these items. It's legal. We told them everything we knew. For the first couple of years, we'd get nothing for doing this.

Zhao Yu

Never in a million years did I imagine that it could be used for something else that was not legal.

Zach Lund

Lawyers tend to have something credible to say about an important subject. Lawyers have been educated about the legal system, which people are interested in.

Eugene Volokh

As of now, we're not taking any legal action against Hammond.

Eric Schneider

Given that employers have no legal obligation to thoroughly investigate whether documents presented to them by new employees are valid or not, they often have a de facto defense.

Ernestine Fobbs

We're not asking for memoranda of understanding or any legal document. We're not asking [companies] to specify exactly what they'd make available.

Ern Blackwelder