9 quotes about latitude follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I think many of those districts feel, as we do, that a policy should be in place, but we should have the latitude to be able to decide what would best fit our situation.

Tom Voorhees

There's no latitude on the governor's part.

Lonn Hoklin

It's a unique phenomenon because hurricanes don't normally form at that latitude and with those temperatures.

Angel Rivera

Imagine how curious it would be if beyond Earth's poles, clouds existed only at the latitude that crosses New Zealand, Argentina and Chile.

Caitlin Griffith

Obviously, everything had to go through Dave to get those things done. He gave me enough latitude to make those changes with his approval.

Mark Kostek

That's why the feds are looking to indict Damian in the murder of the doctor. They have more latitude in what (evidence) they can introduce.

Michael Deriso

We give our firefighters broad latitude to make decisions regarding their safety.

Mike Oliver

We have to figure out how to put in contour lines, longitude and latitude lines.

Elizabeth Duerr

We're very hopeful that they can see their way clear to give us some leniency and latitude. Fund-raising is more and more difficult and we depend so heavily on fund-raising.

Ellis Williford