We have a lot of Wal-Mart workers come to us directly because of serious concerns they have at the company, ... So now we have an association that they are going to be able to join to help work on those issues.

Paul Blank

Because countries trying to join the European Union have been forced to get their fiscal policies in order, inflation is now less of a concern for investors.

Susan Wachter

I would like to see more involvement because it's a big thing. You can have so many experiences you wouldn't imagine. We have to tell them and encourage them to join.

Juan Moreno

For years we have admired Don's expertise and presence in the community. We are excited to have him join our team.

Alan Meltzer

This is a day that I'm sure is very hurtful to the senator. We would welcome the senator to come join us.

Karen Thurman

We are always encouraged when players say they want to join Liverpool.

Rick Parry

These data are joining an increasing body of evidence that Neanderthal extinction was not due to any lack of ability to hunt.

John Shea

I think members who do join feel good about what the service club does for the community.

Pat Jenkins

After that I will go straight to France and join my team. Honestly, one should not compare the soccer here and that in France.

Faisal Khalil

I have just come out of an electoral experience with the people of my country in which I invited them to join me in a partnership for governance.

Perry Christie

We will be the voice of the people, who right now have no voice in how our city is governed. I encourage everyone in this city who desires a better life for their family to join us on May 9 in fighting for a change in government.

Frank Scarafile

Get referrals from your former clients, and even join their organizations so that those members can be your clients.

Linda Hunt

There are guys out there that have a lot of catching-up to do. They're going to have to be bailed out by a drop in the market, or they're going to have to join the party.

Brad Ruderman

We're hoping to make the fall event the biggest and best yet. We invite everyone to come out and join us.

Mary Dunn

I was asked to join the team to address the technology component.

Sean Fallon

We are delighted that Soledad will be joining our .

Teya Ryan

I was never a Boy Scout, but oh, I wanted to be one when I was a kid about ten or eleven years old. But there wasn't anyplace where I could ever join the Boy Scouts.

Carl Barks

This is great for me to be able to join my father. I certainly hope my daughter and my son, who is a cameraman, can join me soon.

Peter Fonda

We've always been urging the Senate to join the Assembly in passing it.

Saleem Cheeks

But they're not interested in joining. They think we're just a bunch of old men who play bingo and cards.

Robert Vega

We are looking at upper-end businesses to come join us.

Aileen Barry

In the next 24 hours he will be personally reaching out to all of the artists to ask them to join him in this project.

Raymone Bain

So, we decided, if you can't beat 'em, just join 'em.

Derrick Allen

They didn't expect me to step out and join the festivities.

Robert Cahill

I was a bit apprehensive about joining. But it just gave me so much more confidence.

Lynn Ford

We let them do every thing except drive or fight structure fires. After they turn 18 if we evaluate them and it's possible they can join the department.

John Mcmakin

The firemen did join in some wedding pictures with us.

Michelle Johnson

I am so guilty because I recommended that my three youngest sons join the Army.

Phil Waste

Those who join the Carmelite Order are not lost to their near and dear ones, but have been won for them, because it is our vocation to intercede to God for everyone.

Edith Stein

It's time we join together and literally take our county back.

Evelyn Hobson

Daley is due to fly to Australia in late February and is more than happy to join us for a time.

Eric Hollingsworth

It was not really the cool thing to do. I wanted to join to be different.

Emily Bauer

Someone said that life is a party. You join in after it's started and leave before it's finished.

Elsa Maxwell

We expected that he would win the bout. We join the Filipino people not only in the country but those overseas as well in celebrating his victory.

Eid Kabalu

We join with Jewish communities around the world in expressing our deepest condolences to the Bronfman family on this tragic loss.

Ted Morgan

But now the opportunity has come up to join this new club and I'm looking forward to a new start. I hope to be back in Chicago and back in MLS one day.

Zach Thornton