15 quotes about documented follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I have not a clue whether it will be more successful in 2006 than we have been in the past. But we've got to try every possible approach that we can. The conditions are too well documented and too stark.

Andrew Rudnick

I think it's safe to say that it's Southwest. I think it's well documented that he likes Southwest, Tex-Mex.

Peter Watkins

We documented a clear difference between bird viruses and human viruses.

Clayton Naeve

The reason for the motion is council wants it documented in the budget for auditing reasons.

Mike Coll

We're asking for documented evidence that there's adequate and suitable living for residents.

Travis Moore

We need a certain amount of documented history before we can make a prediction.

Craig Watts

It's pretty well-documented, the impact of big box retail on the local business community.

Mike Byerly

What's very important is that we are all on the same page and that it's documented.

Herb Thomas

Be careful to make sure the condition and age of the car are clearly documented.

Martin Nissenbaum

We finessed those a little to what Alfred had documented and what the curator had listed.

Stacey Balsley

There are well-documented structural impediments to moving quickly in this industry.

Jon Rogers

She later recanted. It was investigated and documented that she lied.

Bryan Cox

There's definitely evidence of strange phenomenon in the world. These are well documented.

Leslie Kean

The charges should never have been brought. When you look at the files, you see everything was documented. It was all there, in case after case.

Chris Welch

This was certainly the most documented flight in shuttle history.

Bill Readdy