15 quotes about creeping follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.

Helen Keller

We've allowed those things to creep back. They are not necessary and should not be allowed.

Rich Mckay

The creeping notion that additives are badditives.

Charles G. Mortimer

They were creeping back, but that gave us a little momentum.

Carrie Myers

Then I saw the Congo, creeping through the black,Cutting through the forest with a golden track.

Vachel Lindsay

That's got to be creeping into (our players') minds a little bit. But they still found a way to win.

David Henley

I think that was a little bit of a surprise; that number keeps creeping up.

John Ransom

You have to be careful, folks, not to let revenge creep into your deliberations. There's no place for revenge in our law.

Tim Moore

Every now and then I get a little Goth person creeping up to my door and asking if it's for sale. I have to say no.

Dianna Ohling

The Fed doesn't have to get too worried about inflation creeping up, but it can't get complacent.

David Watt

Those are the kind of problems that can creep up with a disaster like this.

Jenny Lehman

This idea (of successful aging) is one that has to creep out in the world.

Ron Browne

Creeping off the news.

Patricia Arquette

There has been a creeping spread of location technology in the workplace.

Chris Hoofnagle

This is a process of creeping implementation. It's moving forward slowly.

Michael Steiner