77 quotes about claiming follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

If that's taken out you're going to have a lot of people claim that we have bottomed. That's the key.

Todd Clark

Aussie Stadium can never again claim to care about league fans.

Shane Richardson

We have the ability to save them hundreds and thousands of dollars per claim.

James Burchetta

I'm always claiming that 24 by 7 isn't enough. ... I love challenges.

Vijay Mallya

They don't provide any data to substantiate their claim.

Richard Wiles

You can forget a lot of things, but you cannot forget a woman's name and claim to love her.

Real Live Preacher

I don't claim to know how to sell anything. I'm a geek.

Joel Silver

We received a notice that a claim will be filed, but we have yet to see the claim, so we cannot comment.

Kurt Knaus

Never claim as a right what you can ask as a favor.

John Churton Collins

I don't think anyone should claim God as being on their side in this debate.

Debra Bowen

To claim their goal is not partisan really stretches the imagination.

William Greene

They staked their claim and later sold it for $125,000 each.

Bob Risch

You claim it was ineffective and inefficient?

Vincent Nolan

They claim it's offensive and I've been accused of discrimination and harassment, believe it or not, because of this.

Mike Gray

We're claiming that the ball hit the ground and went into the glove.

Rich Rieker

It is criminal to claim that there is only one weapon.

Mahmud Zahar

Oh, I am committed. It's my claim to fame.

Tom Henschel

It's a lot of time they [bus drivers] can not claim that they are working. To me it's unfair.

Richard Snuffer

You have to sort of see the way that the character behaves, and what the character says and does, and claim it in the same way that you claim anything, really.

Richard Roxburgh

What I said may have been in bad taste. But it wasn't illegal, as they are claiming.

John London

They are claiming that is the last one. That won't break my heart.

Dan Winzenried

At this point, we haven't responded to any statement of claim.

Alexis Redmond

We have to pay the claim within 60 days.

Sharon Cooper

At this point I don't have an opinion on whether anything they claim is valid.

Steve Brannan

It is easier to confess a defect than to claim a quality.

Max Beerbohm

NCC was calling people they shouldn't have been calling, and claiming things they shouldn't have been claiming.

Howard Beales

On average, for every 100 accidents, 36 people will claim to be injured. In Chelsea, for every 100 accidents, 62 people claim to be injured.

Daniel Johnston

It's (the claim) is as bogus as the original.

Bruce Williams

Montana, Idaho and Wyoming -- we all claim the park.

Betsy Baumgart

Anti-Semitic? What is anti-Semitic about it? ...There is no logic to this claim.

Daniel Barenboim

When you have people claiming something they don't officially have, it gets a bit annoying.

James Devine

Our business is technology, and we would never claim to be authorities on child development.

Ryan Hamlin

Not to say, 'Hurray, we all win!' but both sides can claim victory.

Richard Aboulafia

The words 'I am...' are potent words; be careful what you hitch them to. The thing you're claiming has a way of reaching back and claiming you.

A. L. Kitselman

I'm not shy about this at all. You've got to have a claim to fame.

Bob Forsch

What is buried in the past of one generation falls to the next to claim.

Susan Griffin

When we sell television properties, ... we're already claiming all of California.

Tom Hansen

Todd can claim all he likes, but there was nothing in it.

Garth Tander

We claim to be this great defense, but it was yet to be seen until today.

Terrell Suggs

They need to already have filed the claim. If they have the claim number, we can do all the work for them.

Tom Heiger

I would be very skeptical of any claim that any plaintiff did better than a class member.

Sean Coffey

That's a broad, bold claim. We'll know in a year if they delivered.

Allen Adamson

I think J&J has a claim. I don't think they are going to have to pay Guidant.

Joanne K. Wuensch

It's not just the food crisis that is claiming lives.

Gezahegn Kebede

Counsel's advice to me was that they (SDI) do not have a valid claim for voting purposes.

Tom Hughes

The thing that bothers me is that companies claim to be patriotic. Then they turn around and make a profit on the war.

Jim Goodnow

He and I were able to convince the trustee in Ohio that the claim was without merit.

Brad Young

Usually when you claim something you should be able to put your case forward with information and evidence, if any.

Monique Sokhan

This is the cleanup. It doesn't close until every last $20 claim is resolved.

James Sprayregen

I'll continue to make our claim.

Saburo Kawabuchi

Unless you are in a civil war, how can you claim the authority to use such a device?

Ivan Oelrich

We cannot claim any knowledge of the ways of homosexuals.

John Freeman

They claim that they have a different approach to climate change.

Stavros Dimas

If we can claim the full 4kg, that will bring the weight down to 53.5kg.

Mick Hicks

No one can claim to be called Christian who gives money for the building of warships and arsenals.

Belva Lockwood

He would always try to fight the other coach. He would always claim that he could beat up the other coach if they got in a fight.

Jim Zorn

I don't want anyone to go out here in the city of Cincinnati or anyplace else, and claim they are representing my brother by acting violently. That's not what we're about.

Ted Bailey

We're getting a lot of them that people are not claiming.

Doug Mccroskey

We want people to really claim the farm and come together and make it their own.

Kristine Greiber

We can't yet claim a victory but I'm certainly not conceding defeat.

Don Brash

Less than 10 percent of the people actually file a claim.

James Dunn

CSFB will be vigorously contesting the claim.

Credit Suisse First Boston

If you believe that [Anna Kournikova's claim that she is a virgin], I've never questioned a call in my life.

John Mcenroe

She likes to claim credit for it, and she should.

Michael Hiscox

Claiming bankruptcy should be a last resort, and used only when absolutely necessary.

Chris Dalto

We believe that even if we take the bottom line case, the territorial claim will be significant.

Ian Mclachlan

I am here before you today to tell you that this claim is not true.

David Huber

That date has changed. The timeline moved up as to when the claim has to be made.

Barry Axelrod

It's a perfectly legitimate deduction. I've never had a problem with anybody claiming it.

Bob Augustine

Some of these firms claim to be located in Bellevue and Seattle, but we find they're not at the addresses given. Often they're in Canada.

Chuck Cross

It is just to get the discovery that we need to see what they claim the evidence is against Mr. Anderson.

Lisa Dubs

He is only a little horse and that's why I like to space his races and claim an allowance when I can.

Paul Bates

It's not unusual for someone to come in and claim they are somebody else.

Randy Warren

In my view you cannot claim to have seen something until you have photographed it.

Emile Zola

No license is required in Texas, ... Anyone can claim to be a forester.

Eric Taylor

Well, we're not claiming Hollywood perfection yet.

Elizabeth Sanjenis

It's difficult to talk about what they claim to be territorial expansion.

Eid Kabalu