Branding New York City is too broad an image these days. It's no longer as powerful on the macro level. The trick is to find the brands that are unique, but not so niche and so in-the-know that only 12 people who live in the neighborhood will get it.

That's a broad, bold claim. We'll know in a year if they delivered.

This is the NHL's repair year. They have to treat it almost like a new production introduction.

Before a big fashion house is going to bank a lot of money on her as a star, this is a little test market. To use her in a fashion sense is more of a commitment, usually with a multiyear contract. This is a great rehabilitation because she can do a one-off. That, plus time, can set her up to be ripe to get back in the fashion game.

I think doing everything just right is not as important a message these days. It's not as salient a message as doing everything with style and panache.

It's a signal that the Internet and technology brands are becoming more interwoven into everyday life. It's moved from a specialty niche to the center of people's lives.