You enter the same way, one of four points. From there, everything's different.

A lot of the feedback we received from athletes said their significant others desperately wanted to participate in the weekend, but weren't ready to compete in the long-distance event. The sprint distance race addresses this request.

We are going to have to be creative in showing the NCAA how badly we would like to have this tournament here. We also have to be able to demonstrate that we can deliver on what we show them.

Not a whole bunch of them, but a flavor of them.

The opportunity to return to the Carolina region was one that interested me. My decision was based largely upon that opportunity for my family. The decision was increasingly difficult as my situation here at Drake ... has been extremely positive.

(It's) many major changes that all culminate with the fact that the facility is now lighted. So Friday night, we'll be running some things under the lights.

You are talking about what 15 to 20 hotels can do for the tournament, not just the ones downtown. You are talking about providing easy transportation and entertainment in all parts of the community. It has to be that kind of effort.