The level of commitment and degree of responsibility that people took changed dramatically. What it's about is that the people who actually create the wealth share the wealth. -John Abrams


The level of commitment and degree of responsibility that people took changed dramatically. What it's about is that the people who actually create the wealth share the wealth.


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This quote is just one of 7 total John Abrams quotes in our collection. John Abrams is known for saying 'The level of commitment and degree of responsibility that people took changed dramatically. What it's about is that the people who actually create the wealth share the wealth.' as well as some of the following quotes.

I'm a strong believer in commitment to a place.

John Abrams

The Company We Keep: Reinventing Small Business for People, Community, and Place.

John Abrams

The level of commitment and degree of responsibility that people took changed dramatically. What it's about is that the people who actually create the wealth share the wealth.

John Abrams

If the people who make the decisions are the people who will also bear the consequences of those decisions, perhaps better decisions will result.

John Abrams

A completely different type of audience. They really like traditional bluegrass music over there.

John Abrams