18 quotes about zombie follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I think that people who have tried to adapt games to cinema have tried to adapt a game to something that's cinematic. With 'Tomb Raider' they tried to make an Indiana Jones film, with 'Doom' they tried to make an 'Aliens' movie, and with the 'Resident Evil' movies they tried to make zombie films.

Christophe Gans

Right now, we're a zombie. Do we have a four?game road trip? Honestly, I couldn't tell you. We just play, play, play.

Derek Thomas

It was a zombie party. People had a lot of makeup on. There was fake blood squirted, and people were made-up to look as if they were dead.

Gil Kerlikowske

New homes sales sprang back to life like a zombie in a cheap horror flick. And like that zombie, housing really is dead. Don't let all that twitching fool you.

Bob Brusca

A company doing business on the Internet sends mail daily. A spammer or zombie may wake up once a month and disappear again. Normal mail senders don't do that. Without knowing what the message said, you can assign reputations looking at the relationships between senders.

Paul Judge

The fact that the dirty dozen is comprised of nations from four different continents gives an indication as to the nature of the spam problem. Zombie computers - responsible for relaying more than 60% of the world's spam - can allow spammers to escape country-specific legislation, as they no longer have to be located in the same country as the spamming machines they operate.

Brett Myroff

Burnout is nature's way of telling you, you've been going through the motions your soul has departed; you're a zombie, a member of the walking dead, a sleepwalker. False optimism is like administrating stimulants to an exhausted nervous system.

Sam Keen

We've always liked him a lot, ever since he was playing with White Zombie. I've always been a big fan.

Cristiano Migliore

The widespread use of zombie computers to commit crimes over the Internet presents a very real danger to law-abiding computer users.

Tim Cranton

It is impossible to ignore the fact that each of these variants generates numerous infections and therefore the total number of zombie computers could reach hundreds of thousands.

Luis Corrons

The flipside is that these numbers do not represent the demand side of spam. As long as people continue to respond to spammers, that gives them a reason to exist and the need for zombie computers will continue.

Paul Ducklin

Our economic model is much different than the studios. When a Rob Zombie movie like 'The Devil's Rejects' grosses $17 million, or Eli Roth's first movie grosses $20 million, that's very successful for us.

Tom Ortenberg

We believe there are tens of millions of zombie computers out there.

Tim Cranton

My opinion of a good zombie walk is to loll your head as if it's a little too heavy and the muscles have begun to atrophy.

George A. Romero

There are a couple of worms on the horizon that will probably be the next breaking story, ... In literally a matter of hours, a very large number of zombie hosts can be created for planned [distributed denial-of-service] attacks, multiple hopping points to cover your tracks and other activities.

Amit Yoran

It's got a kind of a built-in interest factor already because everybody loves zombie movies. This is just another comic side of the zombie genre.

John Mclean

I modeled it on Pflugerville. The zombies live in a suburban environment, like Pflugerville. Most zombie movies begin with the plague. Mine is more of a mature world.

John Mclean

It would be different if we were talking about a war game or something with realistic ties. You're never going to fight a zombie in real life - or at least you're hoping not to.

Jason Michaels