14 quotes about wiretapping follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The wiretapping really changed things. I think we're one moderate-level scandal away from a large outcry for impeachment.

Bob Fertik

It's irresponsible for the top elected official in any state to suggest blanket wiretapping of houses of worship.

Ibrahim Hooper

To simply exclude communications from the coverage of FISA and allow secret wiretapping without a warrant would be a clear violation of the 4th Amendment.

Kate Martin

Solid majorities support Bush's impeachment for his Iraq War lies (53%-42%) and for his illegal wiretapping (52%-43%). And these polls were taken before George Bush sold vulnerable port operations to the royal family of Dubai, which sent his approval rating plummeting down to 34%.

Bob Fertik

Remember Watergate. Remember Enron. Remember the secret wiretapping of American citizens. All these stories were brought to light because of confidential sources.

Jim Taricani

If I had been in that position, I'd have said, here's a copy of the Constitutional and the Bill of Rights. You are in violation, and you need to stop this immediately. I certainly would have broken the story. At some point you have to blow the whistle when people are breaking the law, spying on Americans, in violation of the federal wiretapping law.

Marcy Winograd

It was that simple. George was very receptive to my persuasive arguments against wiretapping.

Spencer Scharff

Wiretapping has always been legal -- the government can wiretap today and they will wiretap tomorrow. We don't think it should be illegal, we just believe there are other ways to go about it without redesigning the entire system.

Wendy Wigens

Stonewalling, wiretapping, cover-up, Lord's sake, if there isn't one of us here at this table that hasn't dabbled in that mystery.

Alan K. Simpson

It could play to the image of a president who is overreaching and not succeeding -- going to war without a clear purpose or credible proof in retrospect, isolating America, wiretapping.

Doug Schoen

Berlusconi is desperate and he's latching on to what he can to deflect attention away from the economy; it's the most prominent chink in the armor. That's why he's jumped on the wiretapping scandals.

James Walston

They have a lot of authority to do that already, and the border security problems are exactly the types of crimes that they already have authority to do the wiretapping for.

Scott Henson

We set up a wiretapping operation in a flophouse where we listened to their conversations, which were in German, and then translated and recorded the conversations of the Nazi spies.

John Orton

It was not about a break-in, a single break-in. It was about a pattern of illegal activities involving beating up members of the political opposition physically, stealing their memos, wiretapping political opponents, breaking into offices of psychiatrists, firebombing think tanks.

Carl Bernstein