16 quotes about vertically follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I applaud Sony for trying to be vertically integrated. Sure, the execution hasn't been perfect, but Sony's assets give it the ability to be unique. And that could pay off over decades.

John Kao

LignUp is one of the players in an industry value chain that increasingly differs from the vertically integrated telecom model of the last century. By exhibiting a focus on a networking industry model, open interfaces, open standards, and an innovative Web services based architecture, LignUp has joined a circle of companies that represent the future of IP communications.

Jeff Pulver

Furthermore, bigger cable operators such as Comcast, vertically integrated Time Warner or well-clustered Cablevision, with relatively manageable spectrum constraints, are likely to face relatively minimal DTV or retransmission consent exposure.

Tuna Amobi

It gives us a chance to stretch the field vertically, and it's a big asset getting those guys out of there.

Mike Bobo

We're going to keep following that path that we blazed last year. You're going to see a lot more of the spread stuff, trying to take advantage of the field vertically and horizontally, and taking chances trying to get the ball to our best receivers.

Jack Cosgrove

Firefighters simultaneously went to the roof with chainsaws and axes to remove some of the roof and allow the flames to escape vertically.

Brian Humphrey

He does have a big, strong leg. He's kicked it up vertically ? and he can hit it. He can hit quite a ball with distance.

Mike Westhoff

In Karina we would use (the titanium rib) for a chest wall jack, ... We would take the ribs that are stuck together and split them apart. Then we would take the device put it in vertically to help spread the ribs apart.

Robert Campbell

These vertically operated companies have the cash to make things work in their favor. Many local port authorities are ceding power in their partnerships with these companies, with oversight of labor, environmental and security issues being given over to their tenants.

Marc Hershman

Other than that, he made some good throws. He missed a couple, but when you are throwing the ball more down the field vertically like we did today, those are harder to make. You're not going to make every one.

Tim Lappano

His speed is very deceptive once he catches the ball. He can beat you vertically and has the toughness and willingness to play special teams, too.

Rich Cavanaugh

Could hear the engine revving just before the plane went vertically into the ocean.

Michael Todd

When you say programming costs have gone up, what you are saying is a vertically integrated cable company has decided to shift the profits from the left pocket to the right pocket.

Mark Cooper

We do our own plating here. We do our own assembly, our own packaging and testing. So we're very vertically integrated.

Michael Kincaid

This test is the first step toward an AIM-9X missile being launched vertically from a submarine. Ultimately, the missile will be encased in a launch capsule. When the capsule broaches the surface, the missile will launch and then acquire and engage its target.

John Cochran

My first year here we made 230-some 3-pointers, and these guys are a little behind that. We do rely on the three heavily, but then again we're vertically challenged. So we need the 3-point shot to even things out against bigger teams.

David Gibb