20 quotes about unprotected follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Never raise your hand to your children; it leaves your midsection unprotected.

Robert Orben

Alcohol and unprotected sex seem to spiral together. Unless you use your head when making these decisions, the more trouble you're going to get into.

Fritz Wentzel

Plan B offers women a last chance to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. Instead of making this last chance more widely available, this administration wants to punish women by making them pay for having sex.

James Trussell

A war driver drives through neighborhoods with a laptop computer looking for unprotected wireless networks [to hack into].

John Crowley

Something needs to be done so that it doesn't happen here. I feel completely unprotected.

Barbara Chu

All sensible Army people turned gas warfare down as being utterly insane since, in view of your superiority in the air, it would not be long before it would bring the most terrible catastrophe upon German cities, which were completely unprotected.

Albert Speer

People have developed a paralyzing fatalism because they think they are at much higher risk than they are, so that leads to things like drug and alcohol use, and unprotected sex and unemployment.

Fred Mettler

If you teach a young person that their life has no value, they'll treat their life like their life has no value. They will do things that show that they don't really respect themselves, such as use drugs or attempt suicide or engage in unprotected sex.

Kevin Jennings

The decision sends a message that in respect to people who are infected with the HIV virus, that it is an aggravated sexual assault for them to have unprotected sexual intercourse with a woman without disclosing ? or with a man for that matter ? without disclosing the fact that they are HIV positive.

Andrew Macdonald

There?s no acceptable circumstance to put a child unprotected in your car, and it?s a terrible shame someone this famous, who could have set an example, did not do so.

Jenny Robinson

Unprotected or under-protected computers are the new currency of the Internet for organized crime.

Joseph Telafici

The line between protected pornography and unprotected obscenity lies between appealing to a good healthy interest in sex and appealing to a depraved interest, whatever that means.

Antonin Scalia

A man can have protected sex with a different partner every day for the rest of his life and never contract HIV, while another man could have unprotected sex once in his life and become infected the same day.

Keith Boykin

There's another one. It's supposed to be colder tonight. With this north wind blowing, it's getting into unprotected areas. That cold air is finding its way into every little crack and crevice.

Ron Hume

If you've got an unprotected Wi-Fi network and you are in any kind of populated area, then you really should do something to protect that.

Richard Hunter

You cannot wait for the official MS patch, you cannot block this one at the border, and you cannot leave your systems unprotected.

Tom Liston

They?re in constant danger of being infected with sexually transmitted diseases. This is why we offer them sexual awareness classes. But there?s always the threat of men forcing them to have unprotected sex.

Rania Mansour

Don't do drugs, don't have unprotected sex, don't be violent... leave that to me.


But the person already knew ... that having unprotected sex carries a small risk of sexually transmitted disease infection.

Eric Multhaup

Don't do drugs, don't have unprotected sex, don't be violent. Leave that to me.
