68 quotes about theatrical follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The thing that has been the most surprising to me has been the immense good will I have felt from the theatrical community.

Oskar Eustis

I grew up in the theatre. It's where I got my start. Writing a television drama with theatrical dialogue about the theatre is beyond perfection.

Aaron Sorkin

I've never thought it strange to do highly contrasting things. I always thought it was all part and parcel of theatrical expression. At school, I loved doing revues, I was in a rock 'n' roll group and I staged a couple of musical events, then, when I left, I formed a little company to do Hamlet.

Trevor Nunn

I chose this very specifically for the first play for a lot of different reasons, ... One, I love it. Two, I know it's a production that works. Three, it does make a statement about the kind of theater that I really love, which is just that it's vibrant, theatrical. The fact that there is a social message in it is secondary to the theatricality of it.

Michael Ritchie

I was just proud to be onstage with her. It's just proper old-school theatrical heart.

Michael Ball

It's not out of the question that DVDs could be released in the same windows as theatrical release.

Bob Iger

It was something we considered. (But) it wasn't easy for us to find theatrical groups that wanted to do this on a regular basis.

Ron Pitner

It's important to bring theatrical stuff back to television.

Andrew Lloyd

As a result of its tremendous box office success, the potential to tell a new chapter in its story and the popularity of the film's characters, we are excited to announce that we are making 'Madagascar' our second company franchise -- along with 'Shrek.' We will release a theatrical sequel in 2008.

Jeffrey Katzenberg

We are very excited about TAG Entertainment's largest theatrical release to date.

Steve Austin

I thought, wouldn't it be nice to do a theatrical performance centered on Woman's History Month?

Christine Goodman

Although one may fail to find happiness in theatrical life, one never wishes to give it up after having once tasted its fruits.

Anna Pavlova

I'm there to make a kind of theatrical music that is desperately missing in my life. And if other people don't like it, I'm very unhappy, but I can't do anything about that.

Richard Foreman

Yeah, but it's not as romantic or as theatrical as that. It's very low-key.

Mike Elliott

With her understanding of 'Fiddler's' important place in theatrical history, I am positive she will uphold that tradition excitingly.

Harvey Fierstein

I think it was more by accident rather than design there is such a strong connection between the show and the racing fraternity, but there's just so much talent here. And, hey, both the racing and theatrical communities are made up of real people with many interests and backgrounds.

Peter Hall

We're set up like a rock concert. It's a theatrical production. We have a stage, our own lights, it's an amazing sight to see.

Mike Stamper

That's not what we do. We're operating a theater like they do in New York. We're not a nonprofit. We're commercial. We make it or break it on ticket sales. We feel like we created the long-run (theatrical show) in San Diego.

Jill Mesaros

Our position is that there's no economic case for shortening the release pattern. We haven't allowed it to happen yet and that policy will continue. We think theaters are the natural launching pad for movies, that theatrical runs create the buzz that sells videos later on.

Melanie Bell

'Theatrical' keeps coming back to me, ... Something well done, well written, fun, not depressing, not dark, something that leaves people walking out feeling good -- some sort of inspirational but not religious feel to it.

Bonnie Hammer

Pornography is human imagination in tense theatrical action; its violations are a protest against the violations of our freedom by nature.

Camille Paglia

I think it may get a limited theatrical release.

Marc Lieberman

Disney's challenged the zoo world to up the ante. The trend is to be more theatrical, put storytelling in there. But they shouldn't try to go to the level of 'faux authenticity' that Disney can achieve.

James Zoltak

[The program, which was started about five seasons ago, is designed to introduce young people to the full-rage of on-stage and off-stage theatrical skills, and ends the workshop season with a teen production. The adult cast includes ACT veterans Charles Prince, who performed in] Puttin' on the Bitz, ... Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Sarah Roth

It was clearly something very meaningful to him. It was genuine, nothing theatrical. I wouldn't have necessarily identified it as a campaign speech.

Jane Halliburton

I didn't want them to be concerts. I wanted them to have a theatrical arc.

Michael Bias

So much great film has fallen by the wayside. The studios are collapsing the window between the theatrical release and the DVD. We're taking that one step further.

Jonathan Sehring

I think by being an independent theatrical distributor, we're risk-takers by nature, because this business is so risky in general. We hope to keep finding new films and acknowledging new talents.

Bob Berney

The industry discovered the old-fashioned nature film, which had been a mainstay of Disney in the 1950s, and turned it into a current theatrical experience again. I think we're going to see more.

Gregg Kilday

You have to find the sympathy in theatrical parts. And I think she's a sympathetic character. I think she's been wronged.

Amanda Fuller

To report $44 million of EBITDA and $27 million of net income, with only one minor theatrical release during the quarter, says a lot about the new MGM.

Alex Yemenidjian

This is a story that has mostly been overshadowed by the larger story of the Beatles' breakup and his death. It got everyone excited in our group and in theatrical.

Kevin Beggs

It was originally more like a concert. We've turned it into a theatrical production.

Donald Rupe

Oftentimes I think movies that come into the limelight through significant Academy Award nominations get a little better play in their current window, and most often that's a theatrical (box office) number. If the movie wins, it's got a bump up in revenue and a higher video profile.

Jeffery Logsdon

DVD is both a curse and a blessing. It's a blessing because it's this great new revenue stream for Hollywood. It also increases movie viewing because it's so convenient and collectable. But there is the perception that it is cannibalizing theatrical business to an extent.

Brandon Gray

It is always an interesting experience creating a theatrical event from scratch. [The students] learn about areas of theatre that undergraduates rarely have the opportunity to experience.

Robin Miller

I don't know, ... I look at Darcey already and I think she's quite theatrical.

Barry Otto

You could have, with organization, done interiors in a different place and done exteriors in Venice, but it would have felt much more staged, theatrical, and these are things that were against it coming alive.

Lasse Hallstrom

It will provide a more theatrical atmosphere. And we will have floor mikes for the tap dancers.

Cindy Nielson

The theatrical community - music and dance - adds a unique touch to New York City. There are more than 400 small off off Broadway theaters on record.

Abby White

Having grown up in a racist culture where 2 and 2 are not 5, I have found life to be incredibly theatrical and theater to be profoundly lifeless.

Beah Richards

It is somewhat theatrical. As the parts are fairly short we won't have many rehearsals so it is ideal for people who enjoy singing but don't want a weekly commitment.

Lori Schneider

With the addition of our theatrical product, catalogue and the other resources we will provide, we intend to mirror in the U.K. the successful growth strategy we have executed in North America.

Jon Feltheimer

I think that there are some people out there who kind of have their head in the sand. I think that the challenge to the exhibitor is how to have a better theatrical experience, to compete with the home experience.

Jonathan Sehring

We plan to make three feature-length movies for theatrical release this year, probably comedies because that is what works well for local production and we already have a stable of good comedy writers from our television sitcoms.

Tim Horan

He was a frustrated theatrical impresario, basically.

Simon Schama

It's really our belief that if you take away some of the enormous films, a theatrical release often is a loss leader. That's not our strategy.

Peter Lalonde

When I started in the late 1950s, every film I made - no matter how low the budget - got a theatrical release. Today, less that 20-percent of our films get a theatrical release.

Roger Corman

When John passed, I really decided I was going to do a show about him and his music, ... I had produced before, so it wasn't just about doing a tribute but about doing a really good theatrical piece. And it wouldn't just be for Denver fans. It would also be for people who love Broadway shows.

Hal Thau

We are hoping for a limited theatrical release in the US, but I think our big market will be DVD.

Christopher Monger

He just has a good grasp of the theatrical concept of it all.

Joe Negri

I don't think it's out of the question that a DVD can be released in effect in the same window as a theatrical release. Although I'm sure we will get a fair amount of push-back on this from the industry, it's not out of the question. I think that all the old rules should be called into question because the rules in terms of consumption have changed so dramatically.

Robert Iger

I was always a drama queen. I remember playing in the kitchen, trying to get my mom to think I was dead and call the police. When she didn't, I would cry. I was always theatrical. I don't think any of my relatives are surprised.

Amy Lee

I had never done that before-singing while trying to give a cinematic performance. The temptation is to open your mouth and belt it out and do something theatrical, which would just be ghastly because every time you open your mouth it's 30 feet wide on a big screen.

Gerard Butler

Was a master of a number of theatrical dialects, but his work was always characterized by a profoundly humane spirit. Derek believed that the theater could really matter. In a brief but extraordinary career, he demonstrated just that.

Doug Hughes

We really enjoy being theatrical. It lets the audience know we aren't trying to half do anything. We used to carry a bubble machine, and we used to carry a fog machine.

Josh Foreman

We provide a kind of unique theatrical experience with these larger shows. It's the opportunity for people to see a big splashy production in a very intimate theater.

Sara Jones

The protest was cancelled because, in my opinion, the agreement we had with [GJP] was violated when they sent out a media alert describing an elaborate theatrical event being held, ... We never would have approved an elaborate theatrical event where the Career Fair is going on.

Robert Sherwood

That rare phenomenon of an artist's personality becoming wholly merged with a poetic figure and of a transitory theatrical event being turned into an unforgettable experience.

Lotte Lehmann

This acquisition would be consistent with our desire to broaden and deepen our library of filmed entertainment, as well as to add an important musical component, and, as we discussed, to introduce (Image Entertainment) as a new studio label focusing on specialty theatrical content.

Jon Feltheimer

I think you saw some theatrical tantrums.

Richard Maloney

The work I create has a very theatrical side.

Doug Varone

Form is a theatrical event of a certain length, and the length itself may be unpredictable.

Christian Wolff

It's half radio play and it's half theater. It's not a film and it's not all special effects, but it's very theatrical.

Todd Olson

I'm no longer convinced theatrical is the holy grail.

Christine Vachon

Evita is a stunning, exhilarating theatrical experience, especially if you don't think about it too much.

Andrew Lloyd Webber

It's all a part of working on your craft. There's a reason that fencing has always been included in a classical theatrical training program. . . It really has to do with two actors who are facing each other, and are interacting with each other and trying to tell a story.

Eric Bryant

The language of the younger generation has the brutality of the city and an assertion of threatening power at hand, not to come. It is military, theatrical, and at its most coherent probably a lasting repudiation of empty courtesy and bureaucratic euphemism.

Elizabeth Hardwick