12 quotes about sickest follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Even when Daddy was the sickest and had stopped eating, the one thing we could still get him to eat was ice cream.

Debbie Thompson

Who will be the losers? It will be the sickest, the oldest and those children who did not ask to be born poor.

Charles Miller

They say any time you catch the flu it's the sickest you've ever been in your life. I can speak to that. It's the truth.

Melvin Ely

This probably represents the most sickest kids, some of which, if (they) didn't have medical care, might die. We know that the number of ill kids is underestimated by tenfold. For every kid that comes in here, 10 do not.

Mark Borchardt

[The indigent poor -- those living at or below the poverty line --] are the sickest, ... the most difficult group to figure out how to get them health-care coverage, and yet they're the ones who need it the most.

Wendy Ward

It's the neediest, oldest, sickest, poorest group of folks.

Robert Hayes

As the number of public hospitals continues to decline, the concern remains to what extent non-profit and for-profit hospitals are taking or will take on greater responsibilities as safety net providers, and to what degree their focus is on attracting the healthiest of Medicaid patients, leaving the sickest and costliest patients to the care of the remaining public or major safety net hospitals.

Dennis Andrulis

We have to look very carefully at any proposal to ensure it takes care of the sickest and the neediest.

Michele Johnson

Clay was the sickest, but Olivia was so tiny. They wouldn't let me bring her home until she weighed 5 pounds.

Julie Thornton

Puberty is the sickest joke God plays on us. So you're just noticing members of the sex: "Girls girls, ooo". Naturally you want to look your best, and God says "No! You will look the worst you've ever looked in your life!"

Eddie Izzard

NIH is doing what it does best -- caring for the sickest of the sick. Our disease specialists and hospital staff are partnering with medical centers around the country to give expert advice and care to hurricane victims with the most challenging medical conditions.

Elias Zerhouni

NIH is doing what it does best -- caring for the sickest of the sick, ... Our disease specialists and hospital staff are partnering with medical centers around the country to give expert advice and care to hurricane victims with the most challenging medical conditions.

Elias Zerhouni