17 quotes about robbers follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The more laws and order are made prominent,The more thieves and robbers there will be.

Lao tzu

Very seldom do we hear of a jeweler being injured when there is not resistance to the robbers.

Bob Frank

There were lots of elements showing a mix, if I can call it that, between Islamic militants and armed robbers.

Michel Gaudin

It's a family that's loaded with grudges and passion. We come from a long line of robbers and highwaymen in Italy, you know. Killers, even.

Nicolas Cage

It was like playing cops and robbers all day long. This is a testosterone dream to drive fast cars, shoot guns and blow stuff up. It was definitely amazing.

Nick Cannon

I don't think (the robbers) counted on anyone watching them. He did good work.

Nancy Mulroy

People who relieve others of their money with guns are called robbers. It does not alter the immorality of the act when the income transfer is carried out by government.

Cal Thomas

You can be a famous poisoner or a successful poisoner, but not both, and the same seems to apply to Great Train Robbers.

Clive Anderson

A man who has nothing can whistle in a robber's face.


There's just more targets out there for bank robbers to hit.

Frank Bochte

The politicians would have laughed if we would have requested money for protection against armed robbers before 'The Scream' and 'Madonna' theft.

Jorunn Christoffersen

Many in our community have to live in fear of both the cops and the robbers. What concrete steps would you take to end police brutality and racial profiling?

Al Sharpton

There is definitely the potential that they?re serial robbers. Anytime you have multiple robberies in multiple states, that?s a possibility.

Beth Anne Steele

When the robbers left she came downstairs.

Richard Horwell

We've got a mini race on here with the kids. They are 15 miles in front, which is a fair distance, but with 15 hours to go to the scoring gate, we're going to give it one final push. There are one or two areas where we could make gains and we will see if we can pip them at the post. We've just set a bigger spinnaker and we are off like a robber's dog at the moment.

Steve Hayles

There is no doubt in my mind nor in the minds of anybody in the car, (that) if our security guard had not returned fire, we would all be dead. These were not robbers. This was apparent...from what happened to our colleagues.

Michael Holmes

It appears as if the robbers had the wrong information.

Eugene Opperman