8 quotes about retriever follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We're not going to sell a golden retriever to someone who lives in a small apartment. We need to know just what kind of life they will have before we let our babies go home with someone.

Bobbi Benedetti

After a golden retriever named Scooby died from antifreeze poisoning and gained media attention, both legislators worked to bring back to life a 2004 legislative bill that would require antifreeze to contain a bittering agent.

Lisa Jennings

We're doing a 10-foot-high golden retriever looking at a reflection in a mirror. If you look at it from any angle, you see what you'd see if you looked in a mirror.

Tom Day

It's in their breeding. It's like 'stick' is the only word a Labrador retriever knows. These dogs pull.

Lise Sansom

I have a half Lab and half golden retriever named Henry and then the other one, Lucy, is half Akita and half something else.

Christopher Guest

I want my neighbor's life. I see my neighbor's bigger house and better vacations and better golden retriever, and conclude his life might be richer and more fulfilling than mine.

Dave Goetz

(WAG) created the Chance Fund late last year to assist a blind, homeless Labrador retriever who has since found a loving family. The donations were so generous that the excess funds can now be used to help other animals.

Melissa Peterson

I rescued Katie, a black Labrador retriever from West Union, Ohio and at about the same time my husband had a bundle of fur he named Bear show up at his apartment door. Bear is part Labrador.

Loni R. Burchett