27 quotes about reproductive follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Would give any woman who believes in reproductive rights and freedom any comfort.

Nan Aron

These are completely different species with different cells and different reproductive techniques.

Brigitte Boisselier

The problem is that most male adolescents don't have discussions about reproductive health-care issues when they go to access health services. So medical health-care professionals should be aware that that's something they should be talking about with their male patients -- not just their female patients.

Cynthia Rosengard

The factors that we have studied include reproductive factors, female hormone use, smoking, obesity, exercise, diet, neighborhood characteristics and experiences of racism.

Lynn Rosenberg

There are protections now through some laws to make sure that people are safe, coming and going, from reproductive health providers.

Karen Pearl

The administration believes it's in the best interest at this time to ban both research as well as reproductive cloning because the easy step that moves us across that line we all agree is reprehensible.

Claude Allen

The most obvious areas we want to examine are those in which there are overt moral controversies: sexual and reproductive health, end-of-life care.

Dr. Farr Curlin

I am marching, not just for OUR reproductive rights as American Women (and men), but also for the WORLD?s reproductive rights!

Robin Collins

These animals have developed the most phenomenal adaptations. They can turn off their reproductive processes at will. They can live on the diet, like the koalas do, of leaves -- which no one else can get any nutriment out of. These are incredible animals.

Mark Williams

Because this again shows that reproductive cloning is unsafe and inefficient, we call for a worldwide ban on human reproductive cloning, which is also unethical.

Gerald Schatten

We were exploring whether or not fish have the equivalent of mammalian menopause. We found that 60 percent of the fish had a significant post-reproductive lifespan, indicating that, yes, fish do have menopause. Indeed, their patterns of growing old are similar to those of mammals.

David Reznick

Women do not give up their reproductive rights when they are in prison. Her sentence does not include the loss of her reproductive rights.

Brenda Jones

Through this kind of sex education, we expect to arouse the sexual instincts of giant pandas, enhance their natural mating ability and raise their reproductive capacity.

Zhang Hemin

They threaten women's rights to reproductive freedom and choice. And they threaten the practice of medicine because they criminalize the doctor's work.

Kate Michelman

Isn't about any single individual. It is about the freedom of all women to make reproductive decisions free from government intrusion.

Norma Mccorvey

Their reproductive potential is quite low and because of that the time it takes to increase their numbers significantly is a long time, likely to be much more than 10 years.

Barry Bruce

PCB exposure might negatively impact reproductive capabilities especially for men who, for other reasons, already have a higher fraction of defective sperm.

Dr Marcello Spano

To mate with females who would waste their reproductive potential.

Peter Sorensen

Human reproductive cloning should not now be practiced. It is dangerous and likely to fail.

Irving Weissman

That's one of the great things about this document. It clearly distinguishes between somatic cell nuclear transfer as a tool and any kind of reproductive cloning.

Martin Pera

We do know reproductive and demographic factors do influence (breast cancer) risk. If you're thin -- women who get these implants are typically quite thin -- you have kids early, you have a lot of (kids) ... all those things lower your risk.

Joseph Mclaughlin

Like the impact the Roe v. Wade decision had on women's reproductive health care, this decision will have significant impact on women's lives, too.

Betty Defazio

He has a clear and consistent stand that reproductive rights must be maintained through legal protections and legislative advocacy. We know where he stands.

Joann Smith

In the age that I am, in my entire adult life that I have been lobbying for reproductive freedom--why does it seem like we're going so far backwards?

Joyce Johnson

There are other centers in the Valley, but we're different because we are the only full-service reproductive center, ... Out patients don't have to drive to Cleveland or Pittsburgh for anything, we can do it all here. It's especially nice with our bad winters.

Robert Collins

We will argue that, at a time of reproductive freedom for women, fatherhood must be more than a matter of DNA. A man must choose to be a father in the same way that a woman chooses to be a mother.

Mel Feit

It isn't as though it represents a major breakthrough in reproductive technology.

Elaine Ostrander