9 quotes about rectified follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

There are, in every age, new errors to be rectified and new prejudices to be opposed.

Samuel Johnson

They changed the title of the book, but it is the same book. They still haven't rectified any of the legal problems of the statute of limitations, of the staleness of the charges.

Bruce Cutler

This situation was rectified about two months ago.

Jeff Buell

We're still trying to nail down the root of the problem. We do know that it was rectified soon after it was discovered, and that all of our customers now have completely accurate information. We won't know all the details until Monday, we expect.

Steve Weiss

There's nothing that can't be rectified, if I am responsible for it.

Allen Smith

When there was that situation with that fumble (late in the playoff win over Indianapolis) that was rectified by that tackle, that proved that it his destiny to win this game.

Bob Dozier

We are confident that in these few hours the hotel has rectified practically all the irregularities.

Virginia Jaramillo

While it appears that the license violations originated from assets purchased from a third party, Ideal Hire immediately rectified the software license violations upon completion of a software audit.

Bob Crawford

But, having said that, there is a strong awareness of the players that we will have the situation rectified.

Brendon Gale