7 quotes about rabies follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We run a yearly free rabies clinic for those who can't afford to get their pets inoculated.

James Maloney

We have methods in this country to control rabies as far as a human disease is concerned, and we do not need this vaccine and it does not work.

Jane Rissler

He has put his own money into this, ... Without Dr. Olsen's help and guidance, we would not have been able to establish the microchip identification program or provide the Rabies Clinic for the past three years.

David Bradford

Raccoons and bats are the animals you find [rabies] in the most.

James Maloney

If it's someone's pet and you're keeping it at home, there's just too much room for error there. Hopefully, Lady will not get rabies, but we have to assume the raccoon was rabid.

Lynda Smith

This was the only definitive way to find out if the child had been exposed to rabies. It's a huge loss. It's nothing we wanted to do.

Julia Dixon

The ultimate goal really and truly addresses our rabies control and prevention program in addition to improving the care for the animals, and lastly it is an initial step to help control the pet overpopulation we have in El Paso. It's a huge problem.

Mark Everett