21 quotes about protesters follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The European newspapers have abused our religion. We are expressing our anger. Usually protesters are peaceful but some miscreants do bad things and other people join them.

Shaukat Khan

Persistence wears out resistance, or at least that's what protesters say.

Tarik Minor

No one has the right to change Paris, the protesters say, and argue that the city is the patrimony of all mankind.

John Vinocur

If they (the protesters) think the government is going to suddenly leap out of the corner in the next 48-hours and announce further concessions, we don't see the point of it.

Roger King

We're going to do the best we can to make protesters welcome, just as we will make the delegates welcome.

John Street

At least 19 protesters were arrested yesterday, followed by another 10 today.

Gamal Eid

But he has thrown obstacle after obstacle in the course of protesters, including stopping us from holding a rally in Central Park, a very basic constitutional right.

Bill Dobbs

Obviously we're touching a nerve.... I would see (the Patriot Guard) as a perpetual group of people who get together for a very long time -- definitely outlasting the protesters.

Jason Wallin

I was glad that the protesters prevailed and we didn't shoot there. The sad fact is that that movies, at their core, are environmentally unfriendly.

Rob Cohen

We try to be law-abiding citizens. We're not protesters; we're preachers.

Jim Webber

The customer doesn't want products with protesters chained to it.

Patrick Armstrong

This is the cradle of democracy. This is the greatest city, we think, in the country. And we're going to do the best we can to make protesters welcome, just as we will make the delegates welcome, ... This country has a rich tradition in allowing people to say what they have to say.

John Street

We do not plan to lock in protesters. We don't want a protest to turn into a more significant safety issue.

Timothy Tait

The question is whether the protesters have not overstepped the boundary from a legitimate democratic culture to mob rule.

Michael Nelson

The sentiment was (barricades) have done more harm than good. Things were kind of quiet until the barricades went up. Now instead of 10 protesters, we have 200.

Bill Foster

They went on the rampage, burning shops and churches of the Christians. The protesters killed the others. Some were even killed in the churches.

Joseph Hayab

He was purged, accused of sympathizing with the protesters and splitting the Communist Party.

Tang Wenfang

Different towns have different crowds. It's pretty quiet in San Fernando. The population is generally poor. People want their kids to see the animals. In more affluent areas, we tend to see more protesters.

Chip Arthurs

It (some of the opposition) consists of what I call professional protesters. There are organizations - advocacy groups. Their job is to make money by opposing things. These groups oppose everything.

Randy Levine

The president living here does not faze me a bit, ... You can endure a lot. It's really a matter of putting on a protest peacefully and respectfully. If these protesters could do that, it'd be fine.

Bob Mcdonald

We will try to use the minimum necessary force. I will say this: We will treat [protesters] differently than we treat those families which have been here for 20 or 30 years.

Eival Giladi