36 quotes about posters follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The jury saw the posters for what they are -- a hit list for terrorists.

Gloria Feldt

Anything that goes out of control with the marketing machine of a movie can cause a problem. The way audiences often get wind of it is when there's a trailer or posters in theaters, and suddenly the movies are gone.

Paul Dergarabedian

Unless you see banners, posters, music and loudspeakers blaring songs and election slogans there is no way one can have the enthusiasm.

Arun Das

The posters are depicting government in a negative light and this comes only a few days to the polling day.

Robert Kabushenga

We need to educate the public. We have posters up, but some patients have a hard time understanding. We have to educate.

Katrina Otto

During the parade, we had 400 [band] posters that were all gone by the end.

John Howell

Awareness is the main weapon to avert the spread and we are putting up hoardings, pasting posters and distributing leaflets.

Deep Mathur

You know those sexy pinup posters people put up in their bedrooms? I always saw them as being kind of silly and vacant.

John Hughes

My kids were tired of bringing posters to the game. They made those about a week ago.

Luis Gonzalez

We spent the whole night last night walking around the neighborhood, knocking on doors. We made posters.

Bruce Gallagher

And on top of all of that he might be the nicest guy I've ever met. He should be the guy the NCAA puts on all its posters.

Brad Vanneman

The posters are nothing more than advertising, and advertising relies on the popular culture. In this case, it was guns, women, wild clothing, crazy fashion, crazy hair.

John Kisch

They're still trying to decipher the lettering on the posters. So, you holding? How come nobody's lighting up in here?

Stephen Becker

Our posters got pulled down too, so we decided the best way was with TV, radios and newspapers.

Azzam Alwash

It must have taken some work as there are plenty of posters in shot.

Brian Murray

Letting me put posters up all over town.

Jack Mccoy

I'm trying to get all of the actors together and have a big meeting so we can pass out posters and try and find her.

Manon Carrie

And it may be that Lautrec is a very different artist than some people anticipated. People came knowing his posters of the Moulin Rouge, but they then discovered that he's a very accomplished painter with a depth of humanity that wasn't known to most people.

James Cuno

The memorial itself has been an afterthought. It's astounding to me that the only thing they have up there after four years are a couple of posters.

Bill Doyle

Apart from these banners, posters and oddly placed billboards also divert the attention of commuters.

Rajiv Saxena

It?s great to have opportunities like this. To be involved with the community and help out as well as interact with them is great. They can see you on the posters (referring to the team posters handed out at the event which featured members from each sport), but to be able to really work with them and get to know them on a personal level is really good.

Kelly Collins

[• Her room posters : Orlando Bloom, the guy in] Lord of the Rings, ... One Tree Hill.

Chad Michael Murray

Patrolling in markets and crowded areas has been intensified and posters and leaflets are being put up educating the public to be careful about suspicious packages.

Ravi Pawar

I first began collecting posters for simple decoration on my wall.

Steve Woodruff

The fact that we've seen the candidate posters going up and the early cabinet meeting tomorrow morning, you've got to feel that something special's in the air.

Richard Herr

There were thousands of posters all over the academy, urging the cadets to go see the movie.

Mikey Weinstein

This is the first year that we have done anything like this. The kids are really into their jobs. Every student ran for an elected position. They made posters and gave speeches.

Julia Rose

If you come to my house, you'll see Mohegan posters, banners, key chains.

Deborah Lewis

I always performed when I was a child. My parents got very annoyed, because my brother and I had our little bedrooms upstairs, and I would plaster the house with posters with arrows pointing upstairs.

Franka Potente

While most kids had Pam Anderson posters on their walls, Nick had Pam Anderson and airplanes. It was a split loyalty.

Kurt Koeppen

They had been putting out posters with a very dark picture of Matt that didn't look much like him. We wanted to send a poster with better pictures.

Carolyn Maupin

There are four ways you can help, ... First, you can bring food donations to any of my branch offices between now and the end of November. The specific types of food needed are listed on handouts and posters at my offices, but it's basically canned goods and boxed grains, the types that are non-perishable.

Diane Nelson

The 145th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War is April 12 with the fighting at Fort Sumter (in South Carolina). We have the original recruiting posters for the area following that battle.

Bill Glidden

I had Jerry's posters hanging up all over my wall. It was a little surreal seeing him in here in camp. Then you get to know him and realize he's a guy just like you are, except he's an exceptional guy. I enjoyed having him around, and I know everyone else did, too. It was sad to see him go.

Nate Jackson

We would like to see a major public education campaign about the consequences of engaging in this kind of behavior and that would include posters and notices all through the airports, including bars and restaurants that are serving alcohol.

Patricia Friend

Yes, Olivia knows, as I've confessed this a long time ago to having plenty of posters of her in my bedroom as a child. So, yeah, I've embarrassed myself before. I've embarrassed myself before in front of Olivia. So, that's OK.

Eric Bana